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Professor of Solid Mechanics
Institute of Mechanics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1974 Bsc., Msc. in Applied Mathematics (honor degree), Donetzk Polytechnic, Ukraine
1979 Ph.D. in Mechanics of Solids, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Research Interests:
Behavior of inelastic structures subjected to blast and impact
Stability of structural elements under impact
Impact crashworthiness and impact energy absorption
Stress wave propagation; strain-rate sensitivity
Mechanical properties of cellular materials
Discrete modeling of reinforced composites
Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation , materials and structures
Honors and Awards:
First prize for high scientific achievements during 2002-2004 – awarded by the Association of the Bulgarian Scientists
Honorary Professor – The University of Cape Town (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Member of the Editorial board of the International Journal of Impact Engineering (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ijimpeng )
Associate Editor of the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (www.lajss.org )
Selected Publications:
Karagiozova, D., Langdon, G.S., Nurick, G.N., Blast attenuation in Cymat foam core sacrificial claddings, Int. J. Mech. Sci., doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2010.02.002
Langdon, G.S., Karagiozova, D., Theobald, M.D., Nurick, G.N., Lu, G., Merrett, R., Mayimele, N., Fracture of aluminium foam core sacrificial cladding subjected to air blast loading, Int. J. Impact Eng, Vol.37(6) pp.638-651 (2010).
Karagiozova, D., Langdon, G.S., Nurick, G.N., Chung Kim Yuen, S., Simulation of the response of fibre-metal laminates to localised blast loading, Int. J. Impact Eng, Vol.37(6) pp.766-782 (2010).
Karagiozova, D., Nurick, G.N., Langdon, G.S. Behaviour of sandwich panels subject to intense air blasts - Part 2: Numerical simulation. Composite Structures, Vol. 91(4) pp. 442-450 (2009).
Karagiozova, D., Nurick, G.N., Langdon, G.S., Chung Kim Yuen, S., Chi, Y., Bartle S., Response of flexible sandwich-type panels to blast loading, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 69 pp. 754-763 (2009).
Karagiozova, D., Alves, M., Dynamic elastic-plastic buckling of structural elements: A review, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 61 (4) pp. 040803-1 – 040803-26 (2008).
Karagiozova, D., Yu, T.X., Strain localization in circular honeycombs under in-plane biaxial quasi-static and low velocity impact loading. Int. J. Impact Eng, Vol. 35, pp. 753–770 (2008).
Karagiozova, D., Jones, N., On the mechanics of the global bending collapse of circular tubes under dynamic axial load – Dynamic buckling transition. Int. J. Impact Eng, Vol. 35, pp. 397-424 (2008).
Karagiozova, D., Yu, T.X., Gao Z.Y., Relationship for metal hollow sphere materials as a function of their relative density. J. App. Mech.-Transactions of ASME, Vol. 74, pp. 898-907 (2007).
Gao, Z.Y., Yu, T.X., Karagiozova, D., Finite element simulation on the mechanical properties of MHS materials, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 23, pp. 65-75 (2007).
Yu, T.X., Karagiozova, D., Gao, Z.Y., The dependence of the energy-absorption capacity of metal hollow sphere materials on their relative density, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 340-341, pp. 389-396 (2007).
Karagiozova, D., Mines R.A.W., Impact of aircraft tyre fragments on aluminium alloy plates: II – Numerical Simulation using LS-DYNA, Int. J Impact Eng, Vol. 34, pp. 627-646 (2007).
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Prof. Dora Karagiozova
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