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Mechanical Engineering
Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. S. Mohammad Reza Khalili):
S.M.R. Khalili, M. Botshekanan Dehkordi, E. Carrera and M. Chariyat, “Non-linear dynamic analysis of a sandwich beam with pseudoelastic SMA hybrid composite faces based on higher order finite element theory”, Composite Structures, Vol. 96, pp 243-255, February 2013
M. Botshekanan Dehkordi, M. Cinefra, S.M.R. Khalili and E. Carrera, “Mixed LW/ESL models for the analysis of sandwich plates with composite faces”, Composite Structures, Vol. 98, pp 330-339, April 2013
Khalili, S.M.R., Abbaspour, P., Malekzadeh Fard, K.: Buckling of non-ideal simply supported laminated plate on Pasternak foundation. Appl. Math. Comput. 219(12), 6420–6430 (2013)
S.M.R. Khalili, M.M. Kheirikhah and K. Malekzadeh Fard, “Biaxial wrinkling analysis of composite-faced sandwich plates with soft core using improved high-order theory”, European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, Vol. 43, pp 68-77, January-February 2014
A.A. Jafari, S.M.R. Khalili and M. Tavakolian, “Nonlinear vibration of functionally graded cylindrical shells embedded with a piezoelectric layer”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 79, pp 8-15, June 2014
Fard, K.M., Khalili, S.M.R., Forooghy, S.H., Hosseini, M.: Low velocity transverse impact response of a composite sandwich plate subjected to a rigid blunted cylindrical impactor. Compos. B Eng. 63, 111–122 (2014)
M. Shariyat, S.M.R. Khalili and I. Rajabi, “A global-local theory with stress recovery and a new post-processing technique for stress analysis of asymmetric orthotropic sandwich plates with single/dual cores”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 286, pp 192-215, April 2015
M. Botshekanan Dehkordi, S.M.R. Khalili, Frequency analysis of sandwich plate with active SMA hybrid composite facesheets and temperature dependent flexible core, Compos Struct, 123 (2015), pp. 408–419
J. Seidi, S.M.R. Khalili and K. Malekzadeh, “Temperature-dependent buckling analysis of sandwich truncated conical shells with FG facesheets”, Composite Structures, Vol. 131, pp 682-691, November 2015
M. Botshekanan Dehkordi, S.M.R. Khalili and E. Carrera, “Non-linear transient dynamic analysis of sandwich plate with composite face-sheets embedded with shape memory alloy wires and flexible core-based on the mixed LW (layer-wise)/ESL (equivalent single layer) models”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 87, pp 59-74, February 2016
M.R. Zamani and S.M.R. Khalili, “The effect of external skin on buckling strength of composite lattice cylinders based on numerical and experimental analysis”, Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 83-87, Summer and Autumn 2016
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