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Professor Lázló P. Kollár


Department of Strength of Materials and Structures
Technical University of Budapest

Technical University of Budapest Dipl. of Civil Eng. 1982
Technical University of Budapest Dipl. of Engineering Mathematics 1986
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Candidate Degree 1986, (Ph.D.)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Doctor of Sciences 1995, (D.Sc.)
Technical University of Budapest Dr. Habil, 1996

President of OTKA – The Hungarian Scientific Research Fund 2009 –
Chair of the Science and Engineering Board, Hungarian Science Foundation (2002-2008)
Vice-President of ESCM – The European Society on Composite Materials
Technical University of Budapest Professor 1997-
Associate Professor (with tenure) 1993-1997
Senior Scientific Associate 1990-93 (equ. Assoc. Prof. without tenure)
Scientific Associate 1989-90
Assistant 1986-89
Scholar 1983-86
Bridge Design Bureau, Budapest Design Engineer 1982-83
Department of Civil Engineering, Visiting Scholar 1988 Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Department of Aeronautics and Visiting Scholar 1990-91 Astronautics, Stanford University Visiting Associate Professor 1992-93
Department of Civil and Eng, Engineering, Stanford University Visiting Professor 1997-98

Honors and Awards:
1990 Korányi Imre Fellowship for ten months stay in the USA. (One awarded each year.)
1997 Széchenyi Professor Fellowship
2001 Correspondent member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Professional Membership:
American Concrete Institute
Structural Stability Research Council (member at large, task group: doubly curved shells)
Editorial Board, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites
Secretary of the task group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Applied Mechanics
European Association of Earthquake Engineering, Secretary of the Hungarian Committee

See the first website cited above.

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