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Selected publications:
L.J. Hart-Smith (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Monash University, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia), “Buckling analyses of ideal thin shells and new thin elastic shell theory formulations”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 8, August 1968, pp. 665-667,
L. J. Hart-Smith (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia), “Buckling of thin cylindrical shells under uniform axial compression”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 4, April 1970, pp. 299-313, doi:10.1016/0020-7403(70)90084-6
Hart-Smith, L. J., “Mechanically-Fastened Joints for Advanced Composites – Phenomenological Considerations and Simple Analyses,” Fibrous Composites in Structural Design, Plenum Press 1980, p. 543.
Hart-Smith, L. J., “Design and Analysis of Bolted and Riveted Joints in Fibrous Composite Structures,” Proc. International Symposium on Joining and Repair of Fiber-Reinforced Plastics, London, 10-11 September 1986.
Hart-Smith, L. J., “The Design of Efficient Bolted and Riveted Fibrous Composite Structures,” Douglas Paper 8335, 1989.
Hart-Smith, L. J., “Design and Analysis of Adhesive-Bonded Joints,” Douglas paper 6059, also published in Proc Conference on Fibrous Composites in Flight Vehicle Design, Dayton, OH, September 1972.
Hart-Smith, L. J., “Further Developments in the Design and Analysis of Adhesive-Bonded Structural Joints,” Proc ASTM Symposium on Joining of Composite Materials, Minneapolis, MN, April 1980.
Hart Smith, L. J., “Designing to Minimize Peel Stresses in Adhesive-Bonded Joints, Delamination, and Disbonding of Materials,” ASTM STP 876, W. S. Johnson, Ed., 1985, pp. 238-266.
Hart-Smith, L. J., “Design of Repairable Composite Structures”, SAE Trans 851830, SAE Aeropsace Technology Conference, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1985.
R.B. Heslehurst, L. Hart-Smith. The science and art of structural adhesive bonding. SAMPE Journal, 38:60–71, 2002.
Dr. L. J. Hart-Smith, “Lessons learned by one aerospace structures engineer in a 40-year career”, 6th Australasian Congress on Applied Mathematics, ACAM 6, 12-15 December, 2010, Perth, Australia
Hart-Smith, LJ. A revolutionary approach to the analysis of buckling of thin cylindrical shells [online]. In: AIAC14: Fourteenth Australian Aeronautical Conference. Melbourne: Royal Aeronautical Society, Australian Division; Engineers Australia, 2011: 306-339. Availability: <http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=429578447781687;res=IELENG>
ISBN: 9780987086303.
L.J. Hart-Smith (retired from the Boeing Company), “Incontrovertible proof that the ‘discrepancies’ in thin-shell-buckling studies are in the classical theory, not the test data”, Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, February 19, 2014, DOI: 10.1177/1464420714524932
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