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2010 – 2012 Leibniz University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Selected publications:
Sample size dependent probabilistic design of axially compressed cylindrical shells
Benedikt Kriegesmann, Milena Möhle, Raimund Rolfes
Thin-Walled Structures 01/2014; 74:222–231. · 1.43 Impact Factor
Optimization and Antioptimization of Buckling Load for Composite Cylindrical Shells Under Uncertainties
Isaac Elishakoff, Benedikt Kriegesmann, Raimund Rolfes, Christian Hühne, Alexander Kling
AIAA Journal 07/2012; 50(7):1513-1524. · 1.17 Impact Factor
Validation of Lower-Bound Estimates for Compression-Loaded Cylindrical Shells
Waddy Haynie, Mark Hilburger, Massimiliano Bogge, Marco Maspoli, Benedikt Kriegesmann
53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference AIAA; 04/2012, AIAA Paper 2012-1687
The Effects of Geometric and Loading Imperfections on the Response and Lower-Bound Buckling Load of a Compression-Loaded Cylindrical Shell
Benedikt Kriegesmann, Mark W. Hilburger, Raimund Rolfes
53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Honolulu, USA; 04/2012
Semi-analytic probabilistic analysis of axially compressed stiffened composite panels
Benedikt Kriegesmann, Eelco L. Jansen, Raimund Rolfes
Composite Structures 01/2012; · 3.12 Impact Factor
Design Optimization of Composite Cylindrical Shells under Uncertainty
Benedikt Kriegesmann, Raimund Rolfes, Eelco Jansen, Isaac Elishakoff, Christian Hühne, Alexander Kling
Computers, Materials and Continua 01/2012; 32(3):177-200.
Design Optimization of Composite Cylindrical Shells Under Uncertainty
B. Kriegesmann, R. Rolfes, E.L. Jansen, I. Elishakoff, C. Hühne, A. Kling
3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites, Hannover, Germany; 09/2011
Fast probabilistic design procedure for axially compressed composite cylinders
Benedikt Kriegesmann, Raimund Rolfes, Christian Hühne, Alexander Kling
Composite Structures 06/2011; 93(12):3140-3149. · 3.12 Impact Factor
Analysis Tools for Robust and Cost Efficient Design of Composite Structures. Abstract in Proceedings/Book of Abstracts of: International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES), 18-21 April 2011, Nanjing, China.
Raimund Rolfes, Steffen Czichon, Benedikt Kriegesmann, Heiko Krüger, Matthias Vogler, Eelco Jansen
Structural Mechanics Simulation of Composites - Where Do We Stand Today?
R. Rolfes, S. Czichon, M. Vogler, B. Kriegesmann, H. Krüger, E.L. Jansen
NAFEMS-Seminar: Progress in Simulating Composites, Wiesbaden, Germany; 01/2011
The Influence of Blade Properties on the Forced Response of Mistuned Bladed Disks
Andreas Hohl, Benedikt Kriegesmann, Jörg Wallaschek, Lars Panning
ASME 2011 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition; 01/2011
Probabilistic Design of Axially Compressed Composite Cylinders with Geometric and Loading Imperfections
Benedikt Kriegesmann, Raimund Rolfes, Christian Hühne, Jan Teßmer, Johann Arbocz
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (Sonderband). 10/2010; 10(2010-10-4):623-645.
Probabilistic Second-Order Third-Moment Approach for Design of Axially Compressed Composite Shells
Benedikt Kriegesmann, Raimund Rolfes
51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference; 04/2010
Imperfection Measurement and Analysis for six Cylindrical Shells made of Composite
Benedikt Kriegesmann, Christian Hühne, Raimund Rolfes, Jan Teßmer
B. Kriegesmann, “Probabilistic design of thin-walled fiber composite structures,” Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, 2012.
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