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For more see the link Prof. Arnaud Lazarus
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert
Sorbonne University, Paris, France
I am working for a better understanding of the stability of structures. Whether they are large or small, rigid or flexible, in a gravitational or electrostatic field, periodically repeating in space or in time, why is it they sometimes collapse and sometimes not? And do we want to prevent this loss of stability or make the best of it? With the help of students and colleagues, math, computers and model experiments when possible, I strive to answer practical problems like the dynamics of imperfect rotating machineries or the large vibrations of electromechanical systems at the nano-scale, or more fundamental ones such as the relation between geometry and mechanics in slender elastic structures, or the stability of periodic mechanical states in time or space.
2005-2008 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, France.
2004-2005 Master of Science (TACS), ENS Cachan, France.
2000-2004 Undergraduate Studies, Bordeaux 1, France. Major: Civil Engineering. Minor: Mechanical Engineering.
Research Interests:
Statics and dynamics of slender structures; Model experiments; Bifurcation analysis; Stability of stationary states.
Selected Publications:
(19) A. Lazarus, “Discrete dynamical stabilization of a naturally diverging mass in a harmonically time-varying potential”, Physica D: Nonlinear phenomena, 386-387, 1-7 (2019).
(18) F. Bertails-Descoubes, A. Derouet-Jourdan, V. Romero and A. Lazarus, “Inverse design of an isotropic suspended Kirchhoff rod: theoretical and numerical results on the uniqueness of the natural shape”, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 474, 2212, 20170837 (2018).
(17) N. Algarra, P.G. Karagiannopoulos, A. Lazarus, D. Vandembroucq and E. Kolb, “Bending transition in the penetration of a flexible intruder in a 2D dense granular medium”, Physical Review E, 97, 022901 (2018).
(16) B. Bentvelsen and A. Lazarus, “Modal and stability analysis of structures in periodic elastic states: application to the Ziegler column”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 91, 1349-1370 (2018).
(15) C. Lestringant, C. Maurini, A. Lazarus and B. Audoly, “Buckling of an elastic ridge: competition between wrinkles and creases”, Physical Review Letters, 118, 165501 (2017).
(14) A. Lazarus and P.M. Reis, “Soft Actuation of Structured Cylinders through Auxetic Behavior”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 17, 815-820 (2015).
(13) J.T. Miller, A. Lazarus, B. Audoly and P.M. Reis, “Shapes of a Suspended Curly Hair”, Physical Review Letters 112, 068103 (2014).
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