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City University of Hong Kong
College of Science and Engineering
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Research Interests:
Vibrations, theory of plates and shells, nonlinear dynamics, structural dynamics, smart materials, nonlocal theory in nanomechanics, symplectic elasticity
Selected Publications:
HE LH, LIM C and WU BS (2004), A continuum model for size-dependent deformation of elastic films of nano-scale thickness, International Journal of Solids and Structures, February, 41(3-4): 847-857.
HU XX, SAKIYAMA T, LIM C, XIONG Y, MATSUDA H and MORITA C (2004), Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vibration of angle-ply laminated plates with twist by Rayleigh-Ritz procedure, March, 193(9-11): 805-823.
LAI SK, LIM C and LEUNG AYT (2004), An accurate approximate approach to large-amplitude nonlinear oscillating systems with a general non-rational restoring force, The 8th (2003-2004) Annual Conference of HKSTAM and Shanghai-HK Forum on Mechanics and Its Application, Hong Kong, PRC, 6 March 2004 p.23
LEUNG AYT, KUANG JL, LIM C and ZHU B (2003), Spatial chaos of buckled elastica using the Kirchhoff Analogy of a gyrostat, 9th International Conference Civil and Structural Engineering Computing , Egmond-aan-Zee, Netherlands, 2-4 September 2003
LEUNG AYT, NIU JC, LIM C and SONG KJ (2003), A new unconstrained third-order plate theory for Navier solutions of symmetrically laminated plates, Computers & Structures, October, 81(26-27): 2539-2548.
LIM C (2003), A spiral model for bending of nonlinearly pretwisted helicoidal structures with lateral loading, International Journal of Solids and Structures, August, 40(16): 4257-4279.
LIM C (2003), Advances in Vibration Engineering, 2003-2004. , Asia-Pacific Region [Associate Editor for Asia-Pacific Region]
LIM C and LEUNG AYT (2003), Vibration of Nonlinearly Pretwisted Helicoidal Structures, The Fourth International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, Keswick, Lake District, United Kingdom, 7-11 July 2003 p.29
LIM C, LEUNG AYT, LAI SK and LI SL (2003), An accurate approximate approach to large-amplitude nonlinear oscillating systems with a general non-rational restoring force (edited by Joseph Mathew [Invited session chair for Vibration 1]), The 10th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference , Gold Coast, Australia, 12-14 November 2003 IIp.881-886
LIM C and MA YF (2003), Computational p-element method on the effects of thickness and length on self-weight buckling of thin cylindrical shells via various shells via various shell theories, Computational Mechanics, July, 31(5): 400-408.
LIM C, MA YF, KITIPORNCHAI S, WANG CM and YUEN KKR (2003), Buckling of vertical cylindrical shells under combined end pressure and body force, Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE, August, 129(8): 876-884.
LIM C, WANG CM and KITIPORNCHAI S (2003), Elastic buckling of cylindrical shells under axial compression and body-forces, Extended Abstracts of the International Symposium on New Perspectives For Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-APCS 2003) Extended Abstracts, Taipei, Taiwan, 22-25 October 2003 p.18-19
LIM C, WU BS and ZENG Q (2003), Accurate approximate analytical solutions to nonlinear oscillating systems with a non-rational restoring force, Advances in Vibration Engineering, October - December , 2(4): 379-387.
HE LH, LIM C and LIU RH (2003), Analysis of elastic layers with dilative eigenstrains varying through the thickness, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition), 24(9): 997-1008.
WU BS, LIM C and MA YF (2003), Analytical approximation to oscillation of a nonlinear conservative system, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, October, 38(7): 1037-1043.
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