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Peter Linde - Airbus


2002 – present at Airbus:
Research & Technology - Airframe Architecture & Integration at Airbus, Hamburg area, Germany

1995 – 1998 Research Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles (M.S. degree)
Stanford University (Eng. Degree in Structural Mechanics)
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich (Ph.D. degree)

Areas of interest:
Aviation, Structural mechanics, Aeronautics and space research, Composites: thermoplastics, nano-composites

Airbus Award of Excellence in Innovation, 2006

Selected Publications:
T. Möcker (1), P. Linde (3), S. Kraschin (2), F. Goetz (1), J. Marsolek (1), W. Wohlers (3)
(1) Abaqus Deutschland GmbH, 52062 Aachen, Germany, E-mail:
(2) Bishop GmbH - Aeronautical Engineers, 22587 Hamburg, Germany
(3) Airbus Deutschland GmbH, 21129 Hamburg, Germany
“ABAQUS FEM Analysis of the Postbuckling Behaviour of Composite Shell Structures”, (publisher, year not given; most recent reference is 2008)

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