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School of Transportation
Wuhan University of Technology, China
2012-1015 PhD Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Universtiy of Lisbon, Portugal
2007-2009 MS Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure, Wuhan U. of Tech
2003-2007 BS Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Bin Liu):
R. Villavicencio, B. Liu and C. Guedes Soares, “Response of stiffeners with attached plate subjected to lateral impact”, Maritime Engineering and Technology, 2012
B. Liu and C. Guedes Soares, “Study on the ultimate torsional strength of ship hulls”, Maritime Engineering and Technology, 2012
B. Liu, R. Villavicencio and C. Guedes Soares, “Failure characteristics of strength-equivalent aluminium and steel plates in impact conditions”, Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, 2013
Bin Liu, Richard Villavicencio and C. Guedes Soares, “Plastic response and failure prediction of stiffened plates punched by a wedge”, Proceedings of the ASME 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2013), June 9-14, 2013, Nantes, France
Ran Xu, Yu Wang, Bin Liu and Daining Fang “Mechanics interpretation on the bending stiffness and wrinkled pattern of graphene”, J. Appl. Mech. 2013;80(4):040910-040910-5. doi:10.1115/1.4024178. July 2013
B. Liu and C. Guedes Soares, “Uncertainty analysis of the energy absorbed in beam and plate elements under impulsive loading”, Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, 2015
Bin Liu and C. Guedes Soares, “Plastic response and failure of rectangular cross-section tubes subjected to transverse quasi-static and low-velocity impact loads”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 90, pp 213-227, January 2015
Bin Liu and C. Guedes Soares, “Simplified analytical method for evaluating web girder crushing during ship collision and grounding”, Marine Structures, Vol. 42, pp 71-94, July 2015
Kun Liu, Bin Liu, C. Guedes Soares and Zili Wang, “Experimental and numerical analysis of a laterally impacted square steel plate”, Maritime Technology and Engineering 3, 2016
F. Alizadeh, B. Liu and C. Guedes Soares, “Experimental and numerical response and failure of laterally impacted composite circular plates”, Maritime Technology and Engineering 3, 2016
Bin Liu and C. Guedes Soares, “Experimental and numerial analysis of the crushing behaviour of stiffened web girders”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 88, pp 22-38, February 2016
Bin Liu and C. Guedes Soares, “Analytical method to determine the crushing behaviour of girders with stiffened web”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 93, pp 49-61, July 2016
Zhiqiang Fan, Yingbin Liu and Peng Xu, “Blast resistance of metallic sandwich panels subjected to proximity underwater explosion”, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 93, pp 128-135, July 2016
Bin Liu and C. Guedes Soares, “Assessment of the strength of double-hull tanker side structures in minor ship collisions”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 120, pp 1-12, August 2016
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