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IMDEA Materials Institute, Composite Materials Group
Dr. Cláudio S. Lopes (PhD Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 2009) is senior researcher and head of the group on Design & Simulation of Composite Structures at IMDEA Materials Institute (Madrid, Spain). Of Portuguese nationality, he has careered Aerospace Engineering for more than 20 years in three different European countries (The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain), specializing in Structures, Materials and Computational Mechanics. He is the co-author of over 40 scientific papers and book chapters in international journals. He has participated in 30 research projects and industrial contracts of R&D and technology-transfer nature, many of them as PI and coordinator.
Selected Publications:
Lopes, C., Gürdal, Z., and Camanho, P., “Tow-Placed, Variable-Stiffness Composite Panels: Damage Tolerance Improvements over Traditional Straight-Fibre Laminates,” III European Conference on Computational Mechanics: Solids, Structures Coupled Problems in Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2006.
C.S. Lopes, P.P. Camanho, Z. Gürdal and B.F. Tatting, “Progressive damage analysis of tow-steered composite panels in postbuckling”, 16th International Conference on Composite Materials, July 2007
C.S. Lopes, P.P. Camanho, Z. Gürdal and B.F. Tatting, “Progressive failure analysis of tow-placed, variable-stiffness composite panels”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 44, Nos. 25-26, December 2007, pp. 8493-8516
C.S. Lopes, Z. Gürdal and P.P. Camanho, “Variable-stiffness composite panels: Buckling and first-ply failure improvements over straight-fibre laminates”, Computers & Structures, Vol. 86, No. 9, May 2008, pp. 897-907
Lopes C.S., Seresta O., Coquet Y., Gurdal Z., Camanho P.P., Thuis B., 2009, Low-velocity impact damage on dispersed stacking sequence laminated composites: Part I experiments, Composites Science and Technology 69(7-8): 926-936
C.S. Lopes, P.P. Camanho, Z. Gurdal, P. Maimi, and E.V. Gonzalez, Low-velocity impact damage on dispersed stacking sequence laminates. Part II: Numerical simulations, Composites Sci. Technol. 69(7–8) (2009), pp. 937–947
Adriana W. Blom, Claudio S. Lopes, Peter J. Kromwijk, Zafer Gurdal and P.P. Camanho, “A theoretical model to study the influence of tow-drop areas on the stiffness and strength of variable-stiffness laminates”, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 43, p 403, 2009
Cláudio S. Lopes, Pedro P. Camanho and Z. Gürdal, “Variable-Stiffness Composite Panels: Effects Of Stiffness Variation On The Buckling And Failure Responses”, 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference J. Ambrosio et.al. (eds.) Lisbon, Portugal, 7–11 September 2009
C.S. Lopes, Z. Gurdal, P.P. Camanho, “Tailoring for strength of composite steered-fibre panels with cutouts”, Compos.: Part A, 41 (2010), pp. 1760-1767
Sebaey, T., Lopes, C., Blanco, N., Costa, J.: Ant colony optimization for dispersed laminated composite panels under biaxial loading. Compos. Struct. 94(1), 31–36 (2011)
T.A. Sebaey, C.S. Lopes, N. Blanco and J. Costa, “Optimization of dispersed laminates for buckling applications using the ant colony optimization and different failure criteria”, 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 16), A.J.M. Ferriera (Editor), Porto, 2011
(For more see the link, Prof. Claudio S. Lopes)
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