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♦ M.Sc in Mechanics, Mechanical Engineer at the Poznan University of Technology in 1971,
♦ M.Sc in Mathematics at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan in 1971,
♦ Ph.D in Mechanics at the Poznan University of Technology in 1978,
♦ DSc in Mechanics at the Poznan University of Technology in 1994,
♦ Professor – full professor since 2001.
Places of employment and positions:
♦ The Railway Stock Design Centre – design engineer, Poznan, 1971-1975,
♦ Poznan University of Technology – assistant lecturer, Poznan, 1975-1995,
♦ University of Zielona Gora – associate/full professor, Zielona Gora, 1995-2002,
♦ Poznan University of Technology – full professor, Poznan, since 2002.
Fields of research interest:
♦ Mathematical modelling of thin-walled structures – shells,
♦ Elastic buckling of thin-walled structures: shells, pressure vessels, thin-walled beams,
♦ Strength of materials,
♦ Optimization of structures.
Selected Publications:
1. Magnucki K.: Analysis of stability of a sandwich conical panel. Archiwum Budowy Maszyn – The Archive of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. XXVII, (4), 1980, 397-409. (in Polish).
2. Magnucki K., Wegner T., Szyc W.: On buckling of ellipsoidal cups under internal pressure. Ingenieur-Archiv 58, 1988, 339-342.
3. Wegner T., Magnucki K.: The stability of a ribbed shell of a rectangular cross-section under transverse load. The Archive of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. XXXVIII, (4), 1991, 287-292.
4. Magnucki K., Szyc W.: On stability problems of pressure vessel ellipsoidal heads. The Archive of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. XLVI, (1), 1999, 43-55.
5. Magnucki K., Szyc W.: Stability of ellipsoidal heads of cylindrical pressure vessel. Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 5, (2), 2000, 389-404.
6. Magnucki K., Stasiewicz P.: Critical sizes of ground and underground horizontal cylindrical tanks. Thin-Walled Structures, 41, (4) 2003, 317-327.
7. Magnucka-Blandzi E., Magnucki K.: Elastic buckling of an axially compressed open circular cylindrical shell. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, PAMM, 4, 2004, 546-547.
8. Magnucki K., Lewi_ski J., Stasiewicz P.: Optimal sizes of a ground-based horizontal cylindrical tank under strength and stability constraints. Intl Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 81, 2004, 913-917.
9. Magnucki K. Lower critical stress analysis of axially compressed cylindrical shells. Proc. of the 10th Int. Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, B.H.V. Topping (Editor), Civil-Comp Press, Stirling, Scotland 2005, (CD-Rom, paper 52).
10. Magnucki K., Ma_kiewicz M.: Elastic buckling of an axially compressed cylindrical panel with three edges simply supported and one edge free. Thin-Walled Structures, 44, (4), 2006, 387-392.
11. Szyc W., Laszczyk Z., Magnucki K.: Elastic buckling compressed sandwich cylindrical panel with three edges simply supported and one edge free. Thin-Walled Structures, 44, 2006, 910-918.
12. Jasion P., Magnucki K.: Elastic buckling of barrelled shells under external pressure. Thin-Walled Structures, 45, 2007, 393-399.
13. Wilde R., Zawodny P., Magnucki K.: Critical state of an axially compressed cylindrical panel with three edges simply supported and one edge free. Thin-Walled Structures, 45, 2007, 955-959.
14. Belica T., Magnucki K., Dynamic stability of a porous cylindrical shell subject to impulse of forces combined. Journal of KONES – Powertrain and Transport, 14 (3), 2007, 39-48.
15. Blachut J., Magnucki K., Strength, stability and optimisation of pressure vessels – review of selected problems. Applied Mechanics Reviews, 61, November 2008, 1-33
16. Jasion P., Magnucki K., The influence of axial load on elastic buckling of shells of revolution. The Archive of Mechanical Eng., Vol. LV (2), 2008, 93-101.
17. Jasion P., Magnucki K., Stress and stability analysis of a horizontal barrelled tank filled with liquid. The 12th Intl Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, ICPVT-12, Phoenix Island, Jeju, Korea, September 2009, Abstract Book, pp.15, (CD pp. 93-98).
18. Magnucki K., Wittenbeck L., Stability of elastic orthotropic circular cylindrical vessel. Proc. of the ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference, Bellevue, Washington, USA, July, 2010, PVP2010-25221, 1-7.
19. Belica T., Malinowski M., Magnucki K., Dynamic stability of an isotropic metal foam cylindrical shell subjected to external pressure and axial compression. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 78, 2011, 041003-1 – 041003-8.
20. Joniak S., Magnucki K., Szyc W., Buckling study of steel open circular cylindrical shells in pure bending state. Strain, An Intl Journal for Experimental Mechanics, 47, 2011, 209-214.
21. Jasion P., Magnucki K., Elastic buckling of horizontal barrelled shells filled with liquid – numerical analysis. Thin-Walled Structures, 52, 2012, 117-125.
22. Jasion P., Magnucki K. Post-critical behaviour of sandwich cylindrical shells with variable thicknesses. Proc. of the 22nd Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials. ACMSM22, Sydney 11-14 December 2012. In: B. Samali, M.M. Attard, Ch. Song (Eds.) From Materials to structures: Advancement through Innovation. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 91-94.
23. Magnucki K., Jasion P., Analytical description of pre-buckling and buckling states of barrelled shells under radial pressure. Ocean Engineering, 58, 2013, 217-223.
24. Belica T., Magnucki K., Stability of an isotropic porous-cellular cylindrical shell subjected to combined loads. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013. (in Print).
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