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Lehrstuhl fuer Mehanik II, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
Selected Publications:
Makowski, J.: Linear and Non-Linear Analysis of Elastic Stability of Thin Shells (in Polish), Diss., Gdańsk 1981.
Makowski, J.; Nolte, L.-P.; Stumpf, H.: Finite in-plane deformations of flexible rods — Insight into nonlinear shell problems. IfM-Mitt. 46, Ruhr-Univ. Bochum 1985
Nolte, L.-P.; Diekkämper, B.; Makowski, J.: Two efficient FE-formulations in the analysis of highly nonlinear deformation of thin elastic beams. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 65 (1985) 162–164
L. -P. Nolte, J. Makowski and H. Stumpf, “On the derivation and comparative analysis of large rotation shell theories”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 56, No. 2, 1986, pp. 145-160
H. Stumpf and J. Makowski, “On large strain deformations of shells”, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 65, Nos. 1-4, 1986, pp. 153-168
Makowski, J.; Stumpf, H.: Finite strains and rotations in shells. In: Pietraszkiewicz, W. (ed.) Finite rotations in structural mechanics, Proc. EUROMECH Colloquium 197, pp. 175–194. Berlin: Springer 1986
Makowski, J.; Nolte, L.-P.: Simple equations in terms of displacements for finite axisymmetric deflections of shells of revolution. Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 1 (1987) 1–13
Makowski, J., Pietraszkiewicz, W., 1989. Work-conjugate boundary conditions in the nonlinear theory of thin shells. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 56 (2), 395-402.
J. Makowski and H. Stumpf, “Finite axisymmetric deformation of shells of revolution with application to flexural buckling of circular plates”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 59, No. 6, 1989, pp. 456-472
J. Makowski and H. Stumpf, Buckling equations for elastic shells with rotational degrees of freedom undergoing finite strain deformation. Internat. J. Solids Struct. 26(1990) 353–368.
Chroscielewski J, Makowski J, Stumpf H. Genuinely resultant shell finite elements accounting for geometric and
material non-linearity. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1992; 35:63-94.
J. Chróścielewski, J. Makowski and W.M. Smoleński, On the interpolation in the SO(3) group, in Proc. XI Polish Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Kielce 1993, Vol. I, 187-194.
Makowski J, Stumpf H. Mechanics of irregular shell structures. Bochum: Ruhr-Universität, Mitt. Inst. f. Mech, Nr 95; 1994.
Chróścielewski J, Makowski J, Stumpf H. Finite elements for irregular nonlinear shells. Bochum: Ruhr-Universität, Mitt. Inst. f. Mech. Nr 96; 1994.
J. Chróscielewski, J. Makowski and H. Stumpf, Finite element analysis of smooth, folded and multi-shell structures. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 141(1997) 1–46.
J. Makowski and H. Stumpf. Strain localization in stress-resultant theory of shells. Mechanics Research Communications, 25(4): 455–465, 1998.
J. Makowski, W. Pietraszkiewicz, and H. Stumpf, On the general form of jump conditions for thin irregular shells, Arch. Mech. 50(2), 483-495 (1998).
J. Makowski, W. Pietraszkiewicz and H. Stumpf, Jump conditions in the non-linear theory of thin irregular shells, Journal of Elasticity 54 (1999) 1-26.
J. Makowski and W. Pietraszkiewicz, Thermomechanics of Shells with Singular Curves. Zeszyty Naukowe IMP PAN Nr 528(1487), Gdánsk (2002) pp. 1-100
Jacek Chroscielewski, Jerzy Makowski and Wojciech Pietraszkiewicz, “Large overall motion of flexible branched shell structures”, publisher and date not given in the pdf file. Most recent reference is dated 1999.
J. Chróscielewski, J. Makowski and W. Pietraszkiewicz, Nonlinear dynamics of flexible shell structures. Comput. Assisted Mech. Engrg. Sci. 9(2002) 341–357.
J. Chróścielewski, J. Makowski, and W. Pietraszkiewicz, Statics and Dynamics of Multifold Shells: Non-linear Theory and Finite Element Method (in Polish) (Inst. Fundam. Technol. Prob. PASci., Warsaw, 2004), Section 3.6.
W. Pietraszkiewicz, J. Chróścielewski, J. Makowski, “On dynamically and kinematically exact theory of shells”, W. Pietraszkiewicz, C. Szymczak (Eds.), Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Taylor & Francis, London (2006), pp. 163-167
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