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Department of Strength of Materials
Lodz University of Technology
Selected Publications:
Kowal-Michalska K, Kolakowski Z, Mania R (2004) Estimation of dynamic load factor for orthotropic plate subjected to in-plane pulse loading. In: Proc. of Fourth Inter. Conf. on Thin-Walled Structures, Loughborough
Radoslaw Mania, “Buckling analysis of trapezoidal composite sandwich plate subjected to in-plane compression”, Composite Structures, Vol. 69, No. 4, August 2005, pp. 482-490
Mania RJ, Kowal-Michalska K (2007) Behaviour of composite columns of closed cross-section under in-plane compressive pulse loading. Thin-Walled Struct 45(10–11):125–129
Krolak M, Kowal-Michalska K, Mania RJ, Swiniarski J (2007) Experimental tests of stability and load carrying capacity of compressed thin-walled multi-cell columns of triangular cross-section. Thin-Walled Struct 45(10–11):883–887
Kowal-Michalska K, Mania JR (2008) Some aspects of dynamic buckling of plates under in-plane pulse loading. Mech Mech Eng 12(2):135–146
Mania R.J., Kowal-Michalska K., Dynamic response of conical shell structures subjected to pulse pressure, Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Civil-Comp Press, 2009.
Krolak M, Kowal-Michalska K, Mania RJ, Świniarski J (2009) Stability and load carrying capacity of multi-cell thin-walled columns of rectangular cross-sections. J Theor Appl Mech 47(1):435–456
Krolak M, Mania RJ (2010) Critical and postcritical behavior of thin walled multicell column of open profile. Mech Mech Eng 14(2):281–290
Mania RJ, Kowal-Michalska K (2010) Elasto-plastic dynamic response of thin-walled columns subjected to pulse compression. In: Proc. of SSTA 2009, CRC Press pp 183–186
Tomasz Kubiak, Zbigniew Kolakowski, Katarzyna Kowal-Michalska, Radoslaw Mania, Jacek Swiniarski, “Dynamic Response of Conical and Spherical Shell Structures Subjected to Blast Pressure”, SDSS’Rio 2010 Stability And Ductility Of Steel Structures E. Batista, P. Vellasco, L. de Lima (Eds.) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 8 - 10, 2010, pp. 1193-1200
Krolak M, Mania RJ (2010) Critical and postcritical behavior of thin walled multicell column of open profile. Mech Mech Eng 14(2):281–290
Krolak M, Mania RJ (2010) Critical and postcritical behavior of thin walled multicell column of open profile. Mech Mech Eng 14(2):281–290
Mania, R.J.: Dynamic buckling of thin–walled viscoplastic columns, /in Polish/, Scientific Bulletin of Lodz Technical University, Lodz, 2010.
Ungureanu V, Kotelko M, Mania RJ, Dubina D (2010) Plastic mechanisms database for thin-walled cold-formed steel members in compression and bending. Thin-Walled Struct 48(10–11):818–826
Krolak M, Mania RJ (eds) (2011) Static, dynamic and stability of structures. Vol. 1: Stability of thin-walled plate structures. A series of monographs, Technical University of Lodz Press
K. Kowal-Michalska and R. Mania, “Static and dynamic buckling of FGM plates,” in: M. Krolak and R. J. Mania (Eds.), Statics, Dynamics, and Stability of Structures, Vol. 1: Stability of Thin-Walled Plate Structures, Ch. 6, Lodz University of Technology (2011), pp. 131–151.
Mania RJ (2011) Viscoplastic thin-walled columns response to pulse load. In: Dubina D (ed) Proc. ICTWS pp 415–430
Mania RJ (2011) Dynamic buckling of orthotropic viscoplastic column. Thin-Walled Struct 49(5):581–588
K. Kowal-Michalska and R. Mania, “Static and dynamic buckling of FG plate subjected to thermomechanical loading,” in: Proc. of Stability of Structures (XIII Symp.), Zakopane (2012), pp. 373–382.
Kotelko M, Mania RJ (2012) Quasi-static and dynamic axial crushing of TWCF open-section members. Thin-Walled Struct 61:115–120
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Professor Radoslaw J. Mania
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