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Dean of Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty
Institute of Building Engineering
University of Zielona Góra, Poland
He was born in 1954 in Gorzow Wielkopolski. In 1974 he graduated from the Technical Land Reclamation in Gorzow Wielkopolski. And which is determined by your school as the best student was accepted without examination at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Wroclaw University of Technology. In 1979 he graduated with honors.
While still a student, he began his doctoral studies at the Faculty, where he studied. In 1982 he received the degree of doctor of technical sciences in the discipline of construction for the thesis entitled "The stability of the coating konoidalnej". After a year working in an office projects in 1983 was hired as a lecturer at the Institute of Civil Engineering Technical University of Wroclaw. He worked in the Department of Strength of Materials conducting classes in a block of items related to the mechanics of the building.
In 1988-1990 he worked for professorships at universities Iraq (Mosul University, Mosul and Saddam University for Engineering and Science in Baghdad). In 2000 he received his PhD in technical sciences in the discipline of architecture on the basis of dissertation titled "Nonlinear stability of elastic shells". In February 2002, he is appointed to the position of associate professor Wroclaw University of Technology.
Since October 2002 he has been an employee of the Institute of Civil Engineering University of Zielona Gora. In 2002-2007 he headed the Department of Building Structures. In October 2007, he was elected Director of the Institute of Building. Since September 2008 he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Zielona Gora. In April of 2012. He was elected dean for another term.
He has to his credit more than 160 scholarly and scientific-technical information in the scientific articles in prestigious international journals. The main scientific specialization prof. Marcinowski is the stability of the structure with particular emphasis on developments in the field of geometrically non-linear. He is the author or co-author of numerous technical expertise such significant buildings as hiperboloidalne cooling towers, industrial halls, stadiums, steel structures suspended or steel silos for grain. He is co-author of the structure statue of Christ the King erected in 2010. In Swiebodzin.
Prof. Marcinowski’s graduates were rewarded three times in the national competition of the Ministry of Construction for the best theses.
Prof. Marcinowski is an expert Polish Accreditation Commission in the field of construction. In 2008. It was included in the working group TWG 8.4 ECCS (European Convention for Constructional Steelwork). This working group is developing European guidelines coating design of steel structures.
He has been honored by the Rectors of Wroclaw University of Technology and the University of Zielona Gora. He was awarded the Gold Medal of the Technical University of Wroclaw, the Silver Cross of Merit and the Medal of the National Education. He was honored with the Millennium Ring Wrocław Diocese and handed accorded by His Eminence Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz in 2010. For his contribution in the construction of the figure of Christ the King in Swiebodzin.
Prof. Marcinowski is a member of the section of Structural Mechanics and Materials and sections Metal Structures Committee of Civil Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the Polish Association of Civil Engineers and the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and already full third term as Vice-President of Zielona Gora wheels of the scientific society.
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