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Civil Engineering, Materials and Hydrology, University of Djilali Liabes, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Dept. of Science and Technologies, University Mustapha Stambouli, Mascara, Algeria
Selected Publications:
Noureddine El Meiche, Abdelouahed Tounsi, Noureddine Ziane, Ismail Mechab and El Abbes Adda.Bedia, “A new hyperbolic shear deformation theory for buckling and vibration of functionally graded sandwich plate”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 53, No. 4, April 2011, pp. 237-247
Noël Challamel, Ismail Mechab, Noureddine El Meiche, Baghdad Krour, “Buckling of composite nonlocal or gradient connected beams”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp 1015-1033
Fekrar A, EI Meiche N, Bessaim A, Tounsi A, Adda Bedia EA. Buckling analysis of functionally graded hybrid composite plates using a new four variable refined plate theory. Steel Compos Struct 2012;31:91–107.
Noel Challamel, Ismail Mechab, Noureddine Elmeiche, Mohammed Sid Ahmed Houari, Mohammed Ameur and Hassen Ait Atmane, “Buckling of generic higher-order shear beam/columns with elastic connections: Local and nonlocal formulation”, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 139, No. 8, August 2013
El Meiche Noureddine, Benselama Khadidja, Abdelouahed Tounsi and Adda Bedia el Abbes, “Buckling analysis of plate structures in composite materials with a new theory of trigonometric deformation”, Civil and Environmental Research, Vol. 5, pp 86-902013
K. Nedri, N. El Meiche, A. Tounsi Free vibration analysis of laminated composite plates resting on elastic foundations by using a refined hyperbolic shear deformation theory, Mech. Compos. Mater., 49 (2014), pp. 629-640
Khadidja Benselama, Noureddine El Meiche and El Abbes Adda Bedia, “Buckling analysis of laminated composites plates on an elastic foundation using a new higher order theory”, MATEC Web of Conference, Vol. 11, 01034, 2014
Benselama, K., El Meiche, N., Bedia, E.A.A. and Tounsi, A. (2015), "Buckling analysis in hybrid cross-ply composite laminates on elastic foundation using the two variable refined plate theory", Struct. Eng. Mech., Int. J., 55(1), 47-64
I. Mechab, N. El Meiche and F. Bernard, Free vibration analysis of higher-order shear elasticity nanocomposite beams with consideration of nonlocal elasticity and Poisson effect, J. Nanomech. Micromech. 6(3) (2016) 04016006.
Mechab I, El Meiche N., Bernard F., “Analytical study for the development of a new warping function for high order beam theory”, Composites Part B, 2017
A Chedad, N Elmeiche, “Porosity Effect of a FG Porous Plate on the Behavior of Bonded Beam and Strengthened Structure Instability”, International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development, pp 241-253, November 2017
A. Chedad and N. ElMeiche, “Interfacial stresses analysis of FGM porous structures bonded with FRP plates”, MATEC Web of Conferences, (CMSS-2017), Vol. 149, 01094, 2018
Mounia Khetib, Hichem Abbad, Nourredine Elmeiche and Ismail Mechab, “Effect of the Viscoelastic Foundations on the Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Plates”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 19, No. 11, 1950136, November 2019
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