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Department of Mechanics
Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Selected Publications (For more see the link Prof. Mohsen Jabbari):
Jabbari, M., Sohrabpor, S., and Eslami, M. R., 2002, “Mechanical and Thermal Stresses in a Functionally Graded Hollow Cylinder Due to Radially Symmetric Loads,” Int. J. Pressure Vessels Piping, 79, pp. 493–497.
M. Jabbari, A. Bahtui, M.R. Eslami: Axisymmetric mechanical and thermal stresses in thick long FGM cylinders. J. Therm. Stresses 29:643-663, 2006.
Jabbari M., Sohrabpour S., Eslami M.R.: Mechanical and thermal stresses in a functionally graded hollow cylinder due to radially symmetric loads. Int. J. Press. Vessel Pip. 79, 493–497 (2002)
Jabbari M., Sohrabpour S., Eslami M.R.: General solution for mechanical and thermal stresses in a functionally graded hollow cylinder due to nonaxisymmetric steady-state loads. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 70, 111–118 (2003)
Poultangari R., Jabbari M., Eslami M.R.: Functionally graded hollow spheres under non-axisymmetric thermo-mechanical loads. Int. J. Press. Vessels Pip. 85(5), 295–305 (2008)
. Jabbari M., Bahtui A., Eslami M.R.: Axisymmetric mechanical and thermal stresses in thick short length FGM cylinders. Int. J. Press. Vessel Pip. 86, 296–306 (2009)
. S. Mohammad Reza Khalili, Amir Hossein Mohazzab and Mohsen Jabbari, “Analytical solution for two-dimensional magneto-thermo-mechanical response in FG hollow sphere”, Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci, Vol. 34, pp 231-252, 2010
S. Yazdani, Y. Kiani, M. Jabbari and M.R. Eslami, “Thermal buckling of piezoelectric composite beam”, International Scholarly Research Notices (ISRN), Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2011 (2011), Article ID 362030, 11 pages
Jabbari, M., Meshkini, M., Eslami, M.R.: Mechanical and thermal stresses in a FGPM hollow cylinder due to non-axisymmetric loads. J. Solid. Mech. 3, 19–41 (2011)
Khorshidvand, A.R., Jabbari, M., Eslami, M.R.: Thermoelastic buckling analysis of functionally graded circular plates integrated with piezoelectric layers. J. Therm. Stress. 35, 695–717 (2012)
M. Jabbari, A. Mojahedin, A. Khorshidvand, M. Eslami, Buckling analysis of a functionally graded thin circular plate made of saturated porous materials, J. Eng. Mech., 140 (2013), pp. 287-295
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