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Université Lorraine
LEM3 Laboratoire D’Étude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux
1972 – Engineering degree from the Ecole Polytechnique
1978 – Ph.D degree in mathematics from the University Pierre et Marie Curie
Research Areas:
Calcul scientifique, éléments finis, méthodes numériques pour les problèmes non-linéaires Instabilités, flambage, calcul des structures Procédés de fabrication, tôles minces, laminage
Research Experience:
Jan 2012–present: Research: Computational mechanics, Universite de Lorraine, Metz, France
Jan 1985–Dec 2011: Research: Université Paul Verlaine, Metz, France
Jan 1981–Dec 1984: Research: Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6. Paris, France
Prix de l'Académie des Sciences, Fonds DOISTAU-BLUTET en 1989
Grand prix de la chancellerie des universités de Lorraine, 2001
Officier dans l'ordre des Palmes Académiques.
Selected Publications:
B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier-Ferry, “Méthode asymptotique numérique”, Hermès/Lavoisier, 2007
F. Mohri, N. Damil, M. Potier-Ferry. Buckling and lateral buckling interaction in thin-walled beam-column elements with mono-symmetric cross sections. Applied Mathematical Modeling. 37, pp 3526–3540, 2013
K. Yu, H. Hu, S. Chen, S. Belouettar, M. Potier-Ferry, Multi-scale techniques to analyze instabilities in sandwich structures, Composite Structures, 96, pp 751–762, 2013
F. Mohri, N. Damil, M. Potier-Ferry, Pre-buckling deflection effects on stability of thin walled beams with open sections, Steel and Composite structures, 13, pp 71-89, 2012
K. Mhada, B. Braikat, H. Hu, N. Damil, M. Potier-Ferry, About macroscopic models of instability pattern, formation, A bridging technique to analyse the influence of boundary conditions on instability patterns, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49, pp 2978-2989, 2012
Y Liu, K .Yu, H. Hu, S. Belouettar , M. Potier-Ferry, Y. Koutsawa, A new Fourier"_related double scale analysis for instability phenomena in sandwich structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49, pp 3077-3088, 2012
S. Nezamabadi, H. Zahrouni, J. Yvonnet, M. Potier-Ferry, Multiscale analysis of instabilities in heterogeneous materials using ANM and multilevel FEM, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 21, pp 280-289, 2012
H. Hu, S. Belouettar, M.Potier-Ferry, A. Makradi, Y. Koutsawa, Assessment of various kinematic models for instability analysis of sandwich beams, Engineering Structures, 33 (2011) 572-579.
Q. Z. He, H. Hu, S. Belouettar, G. Giunta, K. Yu, Y. Liu, F. Biscani, E. Carrera, M. Potier-Ferry, Multi-scale Modelling of Sandwich Structures Using Hierarchical Kinematics, Composite Structures, 93 (2011) 2375-2383.
S. Nezamabadi, H. Zahrouni, J. Yvonnet, M. Potier-Ferry. A multiscale finite element approach for buckling analysis of elastoplastic long fiber composites, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. Vol 8, No 3, pages: 287-301, 2010
B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier-Ferry, “Asymptotic-numerical methods and Pade approximants for non-linear elastic structures”, International journal for numerical methods in engineering 37 (7), 1187-1213, 1994
A Elhage-Hussein, M Potier-Ferry, N Damil, “A numerical continuation method based on Padé approximants”, International Journal of Solids and Structures 37 (46), 6981-7001, 2000
N Damil, M Potier-Ferry, “A new method to compute perturbed bifurcations: application to the buckling of imperfect elastic structures”, International Journal of Engineering Science 28 (9), 943-957, 1990
H Zahrouni, B Cochelin, M Potier-Ferry, “Computing finite rotations of shells by an asymptotic-numerical method”, Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 175 (1), 71-85, 1999
L Azrar, B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier-Ferry, “An asymptotic-numerical method to compute the postbuckling behaviour of elastic plates and shells”, International Journal for numerical methods in engineering 36 (8), 1251-1277, 1993
B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier-Ferry, “The asymptotic-numerical method: an efficient perturbation technique for nonlinear structural mechanics”, Revue européenne des éléments finis 3 (2), 281-297, 1994
L Duigou, E Mostafa Daya, M Potier-Ferry, “Iterative algorithms for non-linear eigenvalue problems. Application to vibrations of viscoelastic shells”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 192 (11), 1323-1335, 2003
P Vannucci, B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier-Ferry, “An asymptotic-numerical method to compute bifurcating branches”, International journal for numerical methods in engineering 41 (8), 1365-1389, 1998
M Potier-Ferry, “Amplitude modulation, phase modulation and localization of buckling patterns”, Collapse: the buckling of structures in theory and practice, 149-159, 1983
A Najah, B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier-Ferry, “A critical review of asymptotic numerical methods”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 5 (1), 31-50, 1998
B Cochelin, M Potier-Ferry, “A numerical model for buckling and growth of delaminations in composite laminates”, Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 89 (1), 361-380, 1991
F Mohri, L Azrar, M Potier-Ferry, “Lateral post-buckling analysis of thin-walled open section beams”, Thin-walled structures 40 (12), 1013-1036, 2002
H Hu, S Belouettar, M Potier-Ferry, EM Daya, “Review and assessment of various theories for modeling sandwich composites”, Composite structures 84 (3), 282-292, 2008
EH Boutyour, H Zahrouni, M Potier-Ferry, M Boudi, “Bifurcation points and bifurcated branches by an asymptotic numerical method and Padé approximants”, International journal for numerical methods in engineering 60 (12), 1987-2012, 2004
S Drapier, JC Grandidier, M Potier-Ferry, “A structural approach of plastic microbuckling in long fibre composites: comparison with theoretical and experimental results”, International Journal of Solids and Structures 38 (22), 3877-3904, 2001
L Azrar, R Benamar, M Potier-Ferry, “An asymptotic-numerical method for large-amplitude free vibrations of thin elastic plates”, Journal of sound and vibration 220 (4), 695-727, 1999
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