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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
Selected Publications:
Rahimi G. H. and Nobahari G.R. Parametric Study of Elastic Buckling of Cylindrical Shells with Cutout under Axial Loading. J. Mech. Eng. Soc. of Iran, 4(2001) 31-58(in Persian language)
Rahimi G.H. and Poursaeidi E., Plastic analysis of cylindrical shells with single cutout under bending moment. In The third international conference on advanced structural engineering and mechanics, Seoul, Korea, 908–922, 2004
Poursaeidi, E., Rahimi, G. H., and Vafai, A. H. (2004). “Plastic buckling of cylindrical shells with cutouts.” Asian Journal of civil engineering (Building and housing), 5(3–4), pp. 191–207.
Rahimi G.H. and Alashti R.A., The plastic limit loads of cylinders with circular opening under combined axial force and bending moment, J Strain Anal Eng Design, 42, 55–66 (2007)
Alashti, R. A., Rahimi, G. H. and Poursaeidi, E.: Plastic limit load of cylindrical shells with cutouts subject to pure bending moment, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. 85, 498–506, 2008
Mojtaba Yazdani, Hossein Rahimi, Akbar Afaghi Khatibi and Saeed Hamzeh, “An experimental investigation into the buckling of GFRP stiffened shells under axial loading”, Scientific Research and Essay Vol.4 (9), pp. 914-920, September, 2009
Yazdani M., Rahimi G.H.: The effects of helical ribs’ number and grid types on the buckling of thin-walled GFRP-stiffened shells under axial loading. J. Reinf. Plast. Compos. 29, 2568–2575 (2010)
G. H. Rahimi, S. Yazdani, "Investigating the buckling and post-buckling behavior of composite cylinder with circular cutout and geometric imperfection", 10th conference of Iranian aerospace society, Tehran, Iran, 2010. (In Persian)
S. F. Rasouli, G. H. Rahimi, "Study the effect of rectangular cutout and aspect ratio on buckling resistance of stiffened composite cylindrical shell", 10th conference of Iranian aerospace society, Tehran, Iran, 2010. (In Persian)
Yazdani M., Rahimi G.H.: The behavior of GFRP-stiffened and -unstiffened shells under cyclic axial loading and unloading. J. Reinf. Plast. Compos. 30, 440–445 (2011)
Rahimi, G. H., Ansari, R., Hemmatnezhada, M. (2011). Vibration of functionally graded cylindrical shells with ring support. Scientia Iranica 18
R. Akbari Alashti, S. A. Latifi Rostami and G. H. Rahimi, “Buckling Analysis of Composite Lattice Cylindrical Shells with Ribs Defects”, Transactions A: Basics, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 411-420, April 2013
Rahimi G.H., Zandi M., Rasouli S.F.: Analysis of the effect of stiffener profile on buckling strength in composite isogrid stiffened shell under axial loading. Aerosp. Sci. Technol. 24, 198–203 (2013)
M. Hemmatnezhad, G.H. Rahimi and R. Ansari, “On the free vibrations of grid-stiffened composite cylindrical shells”, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp 609-623, February 2014
G. H. Rahimi, M. Hemmatnezhad and R. Ansari, “Prediction of Vibrational Behavior of Grid-Stiffened Cylindrical Shells”, Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 2014 (2014), Article ID 242573
A. Talezadehlari, G. H. Rahimi, "Effect of circular cutout on the buckling of the simple and stiffened composite cylindrical shell under axial loading" , 23rd annual international mechanical engineering conference (ISME 2015), Tehran, Iran, 2015. (In Persian)
Ali Talezadehlari and Gholam Hossein Rahimi, “Investigating the effect of circular opening on axial buckling of unstiffened and stiffened composite shell”, International Academic Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp 116-125, 2016
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