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Director, Institute of Materials and Structures
Riga Technical University, Latvia
Solid and Structural Mechanics
Composite Materials
Structural Optimization and Identification Problems
Fracture Mechanics
Politics and Democracy
Brief Description of Main Research:
Finite Element Analysis of Sandwich and Laminated Composite Structures
Optimal Design and Identification of Composite Materials and Structures
Delamination Fracture Analysis of Laminated Composites
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian
Riga Technical University (Faculty of Civil Engineering), Dipl.ing., 1966
Dr.tech. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, PhD in Western countries), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1970
Dr.sc.tech. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Moscow Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Moscow, Russia, 1983
Dr.habil.ing., Latvian Council of Science, 1992
Researcher Associate, Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Latvian Academy of Science, 1968-1981
Associate Professor, Department of Strength of Materials, Riga Technical University, 1981-1986
Professor, Department of Strength of Materials, Riga Technical University, 1986-1990
Member of Parliament of Latvia, 1990-1993
Professor, Specialized Institute of Computer Analysis of Structures, Riga Technical University, 1994-2001
Professor, Director of Institute of Materials and Structures, Riga Technical University, 2001-
Honors and Awards:
1. Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992-1997
2. Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997
3. The Latvian Academy of Sciences Award for the monograph "Stability of Composite Shells", 1975
4. The Latvian Academy of Sciences Award for the monograph "Optimization of Composite Cylindrical Shells", 1979
5. The Latvian Academy of Sciences Fr. Zander's Award in Engineering Sciences for the investigations "Development of Computer Methods of Analysis of Structures", 1996
6. The Three Stars Order (Republic of Latvia) for the progress in scientific research, 1997
7. The Three Stars Order (Republic of Latvia) for political activities (1988-1993) in restoration of independence of Latvia, 2000
8. The Award of Cabinet of Ministers (Republic of Latvia) for Significant contribution in materials science and technologies, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships:
Member, IACM (International Association of Computational Mechanics), 1991-
Member, ISSMO (International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization), 1995-
Member, Editorial Advisory Board for "Mechanics of Composite Materials".
Contributing Editor, International journal "Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures".
Married. Wife, Baiba Ozola (b. 1948) is Dr. biol. (Latvian Agricultural University). Has two children - Viesturs (b. 1981) and Martins (b. 1988). Hobby - sports (skiing, surfing, canoe on wild rivers). Has passion for music and painting. Favorite composers are L. van Beethoven, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Imants Kalnins. Favorite painters are Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso and Rudolfs Pinnis. Favorite dish - fish. Favorite drink - good wine.
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