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Dept. of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, University of Liège
Selected Publications:
Rondal, J., Dubina, D., Gioncu, V. (guest editors), Thin-walled Structures: Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures, Thin-walled Structures, 19, 2–4, and 20, 1–4, 1994
J. Rondal, D. Dubina & V. Gioncu (Editors), Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures, CIMS 96, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, Imperial College Press, 1996, 596 pages
Jacques Rondal (Editor), Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures: Theoretical and Design Aspects, Springer, CIMS 1998, 372 pages
Jacques Rondal and Dan Dubina (Editors), Light Gauge Metal Structures Recent Advances, Springer, 2006, 254 pages
Dinar Camotim, Dan Dubina and Jacques Rondal (editors), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures, CIMS 2000, World Scientific, 712 pages
Journal Articles:
Maquoi, R., Rondal, J.: Mise en equation des nouvelles courbes europeens de flambement. Construct. Metall. 1 (1978), 17–30.
Rondal, J., Maquoi, R., Formulation d’Ayrton-Perry pour le flambement des barres métalliques, Construction Métallique, 4, pp. 41–53, 1979
Jacques Rondal and Rene Maquoi, “Le flambement des colonnes en acier”, CSFTA, 1980
Rondal J., Maquoi R. (1985), Stub-column strength of thin-walled squre and rectangular hollow sections, Thin-Walled Structures, 3, 15-34.
Braham M, Rondal J, Massonet Ch. Large size buckling tests on steel columns with thin-walled rectangular hollow sections. Comparison with design methods. In: Rhodes J, Walker AC, editors.
Thin-walled structures. London: Granada Publishers; 1980.
Maquoi R and Rondal, J (1983). "Flambement Plan des Poutres-Colonnes en Acier a Section Monosymetrique." IABSE P-68: 213-223
Rondal J. Residual stresses in cold-rolled profiles. Construction and Building Material 1987;1(3):0–0
Rasmussen, K. and J. Rondal, Strength Curves for Metal Columns. Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997. 123(6): p. 721-728.
Rasmussen, K. and J. Rondal, Column Curves for Stainless Steel Alloys. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 54(1): p. 89-107, 2000
Rondal, J. (2000), Cold-formed steel members and structures – general report, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, V. 55, N. 1-3, pp. 155-158
Jacques Rondal and Kim J.R. Rasmussen, “On the strength of cast iron columns”, University of Sydney Dept. of Civil Engineering Research Report No. R829, May 2003
Bui HC, Rondal J., Buckling analysis of thin-walled sections by semi-analytical Mindlin–Reissner finite strips: a treatment of drilling rotation problem. Thin Wall Struct 2008; 46: 646–652.
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