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Professor Manouchehr Salehi

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Prof. Manouchehr Salehi

Mechanical Engineering Department
Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

B.Sc.(Hons): Production Engineering, Leeds Polytechnic 1984
M.Phil.: Mechanical Engineering, Leeds Polytechnic 1987
Ph.D.: Mechanical Engineering, Lancaster University 1990

Research Interests:
Application of Dynamic Relaxation (DR) to plate and shell problems; Design and Analysis of composite structures with elastic and viscoelastic behaviour; Structures made of Shape Memory Alloys and Functionally Graded Materials; FRP strengthening of concrete structures; Nanomechanics and Nanostructures

Work Experience:
Sept.84-Aug.90 Undertook various part-time posts as a Teaching Assistant at Leeds Polytechnic in computing tutorial and at Lancaster University in Engineering Laboratories.
Sept.90-Feb.91 Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran.
Feb.91-Sept.02 Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) Tehran.
Feb.92-Nov.93 At the same time Assistant Professor at the Department of Aeronutical Engineering, Air University, Tehran. Taught Statics and Strength of Materials.
Jun.92-Sept.93 Consultant, Iran Khodro Manufacturing Company, Tehran, Iran.
Sept.02-Dec.14 Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) Tehran.
Jan.2015-Date Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology.Teach the following subjects at undergraduate level: Statics, Dynamics, Strength of Materials, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Technical English Language, Strength of Materials Laboratory. At postgraduate level: Experimental Stress Analysis, Theory of Elasticity and Continuum Mechanics.

Selected Publications:
Book: Bavi, O. and Salehi, M. ‘Genetic Algorithms and Optimization of Composite Structures, 2nd Edition, Abed Publications, Tehran, Iran, (2010), (in Persian).

Journal Articles:

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