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For more see the link Prof. Dimitris A. Saravanos
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics
University of Patras, Greece
He received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University (1988), a Masters in Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering form National Technical University of Athens.
Currently a Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics at the University of Patras, Greece (1999-date) where he teaches courses in the area of Structural Analysis, Finite Elements, Structural Dynamics and Composite Mechanics. He also heads the research group of Structural Analysis and Smart Materials. Prior to that, he worked for 10 years as a Researcher with the Structures Division at NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio (1988-1999).
He has published over 150 articles and conference papers in the areas of smart composites and adaptive structures, SHM, composite structural mechanics and structural dynamics. His current research interests are in the areas of computational structural mechanics and dynamics, smart materials and structures, structural health monitoring, mechanics of composite materials and structures, nanomechanics and nanocomposites. He has received research support from national programs, EU (FP 5, 6 , 7), and international sources (NASA, NSF) for projects in the fields of aeronautics, aerospace and wind energy.
He is Associate Editor of the Journals of Wind Energy and Aerospace Science and Technology, an Associate Fellow of AIAA, member of the AIAA Adaptive Structures Committee, member of the scientific committees of the international conferences Adaptive Structures Conference, European Workshop of SHM (EWSHM) and International Conf. of Adaptive Structures Technology (ICAST).
Selected Publications:
Dimitris A. Saravanos, Victor Birman and Dale A. Hopkins, “Detection of delaminations in composite beams using piezoelectric sensors, NASA Technical Memorandum 106611, AIAA Paper No. AIAA-94-1754
Heyliger P.R., Saravanos D.A.: Coupled discrete-layer finite elements for laminated piezoelectric plates. Commun. Numer. Methods Eng. 10(12), 971–981 (1994)
D.A. Saravanos and P.R. Heyliger 1995 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 6, 350-363. Coupled layerwise analysis of composite beams with embedded piezoelectric sensors and actuators.
Heyliger P, Saravanos DA. Exact free-vibration analysis of laminated plates with embedded piezoelectric layers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1995; 98:1547-1557.
D. A. Saravanos and D. A. Hopkins, “Effects of delaminations on the damped dynamic characteristics of composite laminates: analysis and experiments,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 192, no. 5, pp. 977–993, 1996.
P. Heyliger, K. C. Pei, D. Saravanos, Layerwise mechanics and finite element model for laminated piezoelectric shells, AIAA Journal, 34 (1996), 2353-2360.
Saravanos DA, Heyliger PR, Hopkins DA. Layerwise mechanics and finite element for the dynamic analysis of piezoelectric composite plates. International Journal of Solids and Structures 1997; 34:359-378.
I. Kaljević and D. Saravanos, Steady-state response of acoustic cavities bounded by piezoelectric composite shell structures, J. Sound Vib. 204 (3) (1997) 459–476
D. A. Saravanos. Mixed laminate theory and finite element for smart piezoelectric composite shell structures. AIAA Journal, 35:1327–1333, 1997.
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