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Institute of Mechanics
Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Selected Publications:
Schweizerhof, K.: Nichtlineare Berechnung von Tragwerken unter verformungsabhängiger Belastung mit finiten Elementen. Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart, 1982.
Schweizerhof, K., and Ramm, E., 1984, “Displacement Dependent Pressure Loads in Nonlinear Finite-Element Analyses,” Comput. Struct., 18(6), pp. 1099–1114.
Schweizerhof, K. H.; Wriggers, P. (1986): Consistent linearization for path following methods in nonlinear FE analysis. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 59, 261–279
J.C. Simo, Peter Wriggers, Karl Schweizerhof and R.L. Taylor, “Finite deformation post-buckling analysis involving elasticity and contact constraints”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp 779-800, May 1986
Simo, J.C., P. Wriggers, K.H. Schweizerhof and R.L. Taylor, [ 1986 ], “Post-buckling Analysis Involving Inelasticity and Unilateral Constraints,” Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng, 23, 779–800.
Matzenmiller, A., and Schweizerhof, K., “Crashworthiness simulation of composite structures- a first step in Explicit Time Integration,” Non-linear computational mechanics- a state of art , Springer Verlag, Newyork, 1991.
Gebhardt H. and Schweizerhof K. (1993), "Interpolation of curved shell geometries by low order finite elements - Errors and modifications", Int. J. Numerical Methods in Engng., vol. 36, pp.287-302.
K. Schweizerhof, R. Hauptmann, T. Rottner, and M. Raabe. Silo buckling analyses considering nonuniform filling – dynamic versus static analyses using LS-DYNA. Proc. 5th Int. LS-DYNA Conf., Southfield, Michigan, 1998.
R. Hauptmann and K. Schweizerhof. A systematic development of solid-shell element formulations for linear and non-linear analyzes employing only displacement degrees of freedom. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 42:49–69, 1998.
Schweizerhof, K., Weimar, K., Munz, Th., and Rottner, Th., “Crashworthiness analysis of Enhanced composite material models in LS-DYNA- Merits and Limits”, Proceedings of the 5th International LS-DYNA Users conference, Southfield, Michigan, 1998
Wilhelm Rust, Karl Schweizerhof. Finite element limit load analysis of thin-walled structures by ansys (implicit), ls-dyna (explicit) and in combination. Thin-Walled Structures, 41:227–244, 2003.
Eduard Ewert, Karl Schweizerhof and Peter Vielsack, “Measures to judge the sensitivity of thin-walled shells concerning stability under different loading conditions”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2006, 507-522
E. Ewert, K. Schweizerhof. “Numerical Aspects in the Computation of Singular Points /Modes for Cylindrical Shells.” Procs. ANASS-Workshop, Sept. 26-28, 2007, Zagreb.
K. Schweizerhof, E. Ewert, “Stability and Sensitivity of Shell-Like Structures Considering Imperfections and Contact”, 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008) June 30 –July 5, 2008 Venice, Italy.
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