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Center of Excellence in Computational Aerospace, Department of Aerospace Engineering
AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
PhD – Aerospace Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology. (2006)
Msc – Aerospace Engineering (Structure), Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. ( 2000)
Bsc – Aerospace Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. (1998)
Research Interests:
Aeroelasticity; Nanostructures; Structural design and analysis
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Hossein Shahverdi):
Reza Koohi, Hossein Shahverdi and Hassan Haddadpour, “Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a composite wing by finite element method”, Composite Structures, Vol. 113, pp 118-126, July 2014,
Shirazizadeh, M.R., Shahverdi, H.: An extended finite element model for structural analysis of cracked beam-columns with arbitrary cross-section. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 99, 1–9 (2015)
M.R. Shirazizadeh, H. Shahverdi and A. Imam, “A simple finite element procedure for free vibration and buckling analysis of cracked beam-like structures”, Journal of Solid Mechanics, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp 93-103, 2016
M.R. Shirazizadeh, H. Shahverdi and A. Imam, “Buckling analysis of cracked columns by XFEM”, Int. J. Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 2016
H. Shahverdi, V. Khalafi and S. Noori, “Aerothermoelastic analysis of functionally graded plates using generalized differential quadrature method”, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 13, pp 796-818, (2016)
Mohammadreza Amoozgar and Hossein Shahverdi, “Dynamic instability of beams under tip follower forces using geometrically exact, fully intrinsic equations”, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 13, pp 3032-3038, (2016)
H. Shahverdi and V. Khalafi, “Bifurcation analysis of FG curved panels under simultaneous aerodynamic and thermal loads in hypersonic flow”, Composite Structures, Vol. 146, pp 84-94, June 2016
Barati, M.R., Zenkour, A.M., Shahverdi, H.: Thermo-mechanical buckling analysis of embedded nanosize FG plates in thermal environments via an inverse cotangential theory. Compos. Struct. 141, 203–212 (2016)
Barati, M.R., Shahverdi, H.: A four-variable plate theory for thermal vibration of embedded FG nanoplates under non-uniform temperature distributions with different boundary conditions. Struct. Eng. Mech. 60(4), 707–727 (2016)
Mohammad Reza Barati and Hossein Shahverdi, “Vibration analysis of multi-phase nanocrystalline silicon nanoplates considering the size and surface energies of nanograins/nanovoids”, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 119, pp 128-141, October 2017
Hossein Shahverdi and Mohammad Reza Barati, “Vibration analysis of porous functionally graded nanoplates”, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 120, pp 82-99, November 2017
Mohammad Reza Barati and Hossein Shahverdi, “Dynamic modeling and vibration analysis of double-layered multi-phase porous manocrystalline silicon nanoplate systems”, European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, Vol. 66, pp 256-268, November-December 2017
Hossein Shahverdi and Mohammad M. Navardi, “Free vibration analysis of cracked thin plates using generalized differential quadrature element method”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp 345-355, 2017
Barati, M.R., Shahverdi, H.: An analytical solution for thermal vibration of compositionally graded nanoplates with arbitrary boundary conditions based on physical neutral surface position. Mech. Adv. Mater. Struct. 24(10), 840–853 (2017)
Barati, M.R., Shahverdi, H.: Hygro-thermal vibration analysis of graded double-refined-nanoplate systems using hybrid nonlocal stress–strain gradient theory. Compos. Struct. 176, 982–995 (2017)
Mohammad Reza Barati, Hossein Shahverdi and Ashraf M. Zenkour, “Electro-mechanical vibration of smart piezoelectric FG plates with porosities according to a refined four-variable theory”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 24, No. 12, pp 987-998, 2017
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