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Structural and Comptational Mechanics Group, LAETA-IDMEC/IST, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Superior Technical Institute, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Selected Publications (for more see the link, Prof. Cristovao Manuel Mota Soares):
Moita J. S., Mota Soares C. M., Mota Soares C. A., Buckling behaviour of laminated composite structures using a discrete higher-order displacement model, Composite Structures 35, 1996, 75–92
José Simões Moita, Cristóvão M. Mota Soares and Carlos A. Mota Soares, “Non-linear finite element analysis of thin composite structures”, Composite Structures, Vol. VI, 1997, pp. 808-818
Mota Soares C.M., Mota Soares C.A. and V.M. Franco Correia, “Optimization of multilaminated structures using higher-order deformation models”, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol. 149, pp 133-152, 1997
Mota Soares C.M., Mota Soares C.A. and V.M. Franco Correia, “Multiple eigenvalue optimization of composite structures using discrete third order displacement models”, Composite Structures, Vol. 38, No. 1-4, pp 99-110, 1997
Franco Correia V.M, Mota Soares C.M., Mota Soares C.A., Higher order models on the eigen frequency analysis and optimal design of laminated composite structures, Composite Structures, 1997, 39(3-4), 237-253
Jose Viriato Araujo Dos Santos, Aurelio Lima Araujo and Cristovao Manuel Mota Soares, “Eigenfrequency analysis of completely free multilayered rectangular plates using a higher-order model and Ritz technique”, Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp 55-80, 1998
Moita, JSM., Soares, C.M.M., (1999), Buckling and dynamic behaviour of laminated composite structures using a discrete higher order displacement model. Computers and Structures, 73: 407-423
Cristovao M. Mota Soares, Carlos A. Mota Soares, Victor M. Franco Correia, “Optimal design of piezolaminated structures”, Composite Structures, Vol. 47, pp 625-634, 1999
Franco Correia, V.M., Aguiar Gomes, M.A., Suleman, A., Mota Soares, C.M., Mota Soares, C.A.: Modeling and design
of adaptive composite structures. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 185, 325–346 (2000)
J. S. Moita, J. Infante Barbosa, C. M. M. Soares and C. A. M. Soares, “Sensitivity Analysis and Optimal Design of Geometrically Non-Linear Laminated Plates and Shells,” Computers & Structures, Vol. 76, No. 1-3, 2000, pp. 407-420.
C. M. M. Soares, C. A. M. Soares, V. M. F. Correia, and M. A. R. Loja. Higher-order B-spline strip models for laminated composite structures with integrated sensors and actuators. Composite Structures, 54:267–274, 2001.
Simoes Moita J M, Mota Soares C M and Mota Soares C A 2002 Geometrically non-linear analysis of composite structures with integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators Compos. Struct. 57 253–261
Correia, V. M. F., Soares, C. M. M., & Soares, C. A. M. (2003). Buckling optimization of composite laminated adaptive structures. Composite Structures, 62, 315–321.
Jose Simoes Moita, Cristovao M. Mota Soares and Carlos A. Mota Soares, “Finite element model for active control of adaptive laminated structures”, XXIV Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, CILAMCE 2003
A.L. Araujo, C.M. Mota Soares, J. Herskovitz and P. Pedersen, “Parameter estimation in active plate structures using gradient optimization and neural networks”, Inverse Probems, Design and Optimization Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2004
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