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Applied Mechanics
Islamic Azad University – Arak, Iran
Selected Publications:
Ali Ghorbani, Niloofar Bayat, Mohammad Mehdi Najafizadeh, “A theoretical and experimental analysis of critical buckling force of short and long cylindrical shells with a welded seam using argon method and their comparison with a seamless cylindrical shell”, Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, Vol. 85, pp 721-728, 2016
F. Allahkarami, S. Satouri and M.M. Najafizadeh, “Mechanical buckling of two-dimensional functionally graded cylindrical shells surrounded by Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 23, No. 8, pp 873-887, 2016
Ebrahimi MJ., Najafizadeh MM., 2014, Free vibration analysis of two-dimensional functionally graded cylindrical shells, Applied Mathematical Modelling 38: 308-324.
R. Mohammadzadeh, M. M. Najafizadeh and M. Nejati, “Buckling of 2D-FG Cylindrical Shells under Combined External Pressure and Axial Compression”, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 391-406, June 2013
O. Miraliyari, M.M. Najafizadeh, A.R. Rahmani, and A. MomeniHezaveh, Thermal and Mechanical Buckling of Short and Long Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shells Using First Order Shear Deformation Theory, |World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, (2011) 74
P. Khazaeinejad, M. M. Najafizadeh, J. Jenabi and M. R. Isvandzibaei, “On the Buckling of Functionally Graded Cylindrical Shells Under Combined External Pressure and Axial Compression”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 132, No. 6, 064501, 2010
P. Khazaeinejad, M. M. Najafizadeh, “Mechanical Buckling of Cylindrical Shells with Varying Material Properties”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 224, pp. 1551-1557, 2010.
M. M. Najafizadeh, A. Hasani, P. Khazaeinejad, “Mechanical stability of Functionally Graded Stiffened Cylindrical Shells”, Journal of Applied Mechanical Modelling, vol. 33, pp. 1151-1157, 2009.
M.M. Najafizadeh, et.al, "Mechanical stability of functionally graded stiffened cylindrical shells", Ph. D thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering,, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak 38135-567, Iran, 2008.
Najafizadeh M.M., Heydari H.R.: An exact solution for buckling of functionally graded circular plates based on higher order shear deformation plate theory under uniform radial compression. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 50, 603–612 (2008)
Najafizadeh M.M., Isvandzibaei M.R., 2007, Vibration of functionally graded cylindrical shells based on higher order shear deformation plate theory with ring support, Acta Mechanica 191: 75-91
Najafizadeh M.M., Heydari H.R.: Thermal buckling of functionally graded circular plates based on higher order shear deformation plate theory. Eur. J. Mech. A Solids 23, 1085–1100 (2004)
Najafizadeh M, Hedayati B. Refined theory for thermoelastic stability of functionally graded circular plates. J Therm Stress 2004;27(9):857–80.
Najafizadeh, M. M., and Eslami, M. R., 2002, “First-Order-Theory Based Thermoelastic Stability of Functionally Graded Material Circular Plates,”
AIAA J., 40, pp. 1444–1450.
Najafizadeh, M. M., and Eslami, M. R., 2002, “Buckling Analysis of Circular Plates of Functionally Graded Material Under Uniform Radial Compression,”
Int. J. Mech. Sci., 44, pp. 2479–2493
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