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Research and Development Chief
ELU Konsult AB
Civil and Architectural Engineering
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Selected Publications:
Gioncu, V., Bâlut, N., Moldovan, A., Pacoste, C., Dubinâ, D.: Theoretical and experimental research on the interaction between flexural and flexural-torsional buckling of welded T-section compression members. Int Coll. “Stability of Steel Structures“, Vol. 1, Akad. Kiado, Budapest, Hungary, 1990, 77–86.
Pacoste, C. and Felippa, C. A., 1991, “The first ANDES elements: 9-dof plate bending triangles”, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. Vol. 93, pp. 217 - 246.
Gioncu, V., Bâlutt, N., Dubinâ, D., Moldovan, A., Pacoste, C.: Coupled instabilities in mono-symmetrical steel compression members. J. Constr. Steel Research, 21 (1–3) (1992), 71–95.
C. Pacoste, A. Eriksson, 'Element behavior in post-critical plane frame analysis', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 125 (1-4), pp. 319-343, (1995).
C. Pacoste, A. Eriksson, 'Beam element in instability problems', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 144, pp. 163-197, (1997).
A. Eriksson and C. Pacoste, “Sensitivity aspects in the critical behaviour of elastic structures: a numerical approach,” 1998.
Pacoste C. Co-rotational flat facet triangular elements for shell instability analysis. Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng, 1998, 156: 75–110
Anders Eriksson, Costin Pacoste and Adam Zdunek, “Numerical analysis of complex instability behaviour using incremental-iterative strategies”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 179, Nos. 3-4, September 1999, pp. 265-305
Eriksson, A., Pacoste, C. (1999), Symbolic software tools in the development of finite elements, Computers & Structures, V. 72, pp. 579-593.
Costin Pacoste and Anders Eriksson and Adam Zdunek, “Parameter dependence in the critical behaviour of shell structures: a numerical approach”, Fourth International Colloquium on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, IASS-IACM 2000, June 5-7, 2000, Crete, Greece
A. Eriksson and C. Pacoste. Solution surfaces and generalised paths in non-linear structural mechanics. Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn., 1:1–30, 2001
J.M. Battini, C. Pacoste, 'Co-rotational beam elements with warping effects in instability problems', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 191, pp. 1755-1789, (2002).
A. Eriksson and C. Pacoste. Element formulation and numerical techniques for stability problems in shells. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol. 191, No. 35, July 2002, pp. 3775-3810
J.-M. Battini, C. Pacoste, Plastic instability of beam structures using co-rotational elements, Comp. Meths. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 191, 5811–5831, 2002.
Battini JM, Pacoste C, Eriksson A (2003) Improved minimal augmentation procedure for the direct computation of critical points. Comput Method Appl Mech Eng 192:2169–2185
Battini J M, Pacoste C. On the choice of local element frame for corotational triangular shell elements. Commun Numer Methods Engrg, 2004, 20: 819–825
Battini J M, Pacoste C. On the choice of the linear element for corotational triangular shells. Comput Methods Appl Mech Engrg, 2006, 195: 6362–6377
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