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Thomas Workman Emeritus Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Canada
1947-1953 Abet (Greek) Gymnasium, Cairo, Egypt
1953-1958 B.Eng. McGill University, Dept Mech. Engineering; Montreal, P.Q., Canada
1960-1963 Ph.D University of Cambridge, Dept of Engineering; Cambridge, U.K.
My principal research interests are in fluid-structure interactions, flow-induced vibrations, aero- and hydroelasticity, dynamics, nonlinear dynamics and chaos. This research is related to and is of interest to the power-generating industry, offshore mechanics, and the aeronautical industry; but other components of the research are longer-term fundamental investigations, with no immediate industrial motivation. In terms of practical applications, this research is related to heat exchangers, aircraft engines, risers in the oil and gas industry, nuclear reactors, valves, piping, acoustic streamers and towed underwater vehicles, solution mining and ocean mining applications, the respiratory and haemodynamic systems, and so on.
British Association Medal for High Distinction in Mech.Engineering, 1958.
George Stephenson Prize for paper, awarded by I.Mech.E. (London), 1976.
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1985.
Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, 1986.
Fellow, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 1986.
Fellow, American Academy of Mechanics, 1991.
Calvin W. Rice Lecturer and Special Life Fellow of ASME, 1992.
Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, 1993.
Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics CANCAM Prize and Medal, 1995.
The ASME Fluids Engineering Award and Medal, 1999.
Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering, 2000.
Member, McGill 1821 Society, 2002.
Honorary Chairman, 20th CANCAM, 2005.
Symposium in Honour of MPP, 3rd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 2005.
Special Issue in Honour of MPP, Journal of Fluids and Structures 21(5+6), 2005.
The Stanley Wilson Award for Excellence in Research, The College of the Bahamas, 2005
— to Dr Llewelyn Curling and Professor M.P. Paidoussis.
“Greek of the Year” Award, the Hellenic Community of Montreal, 2007.
1. Summer jobs while an undergraduate; (i) STELCO, Hamilton, Ont., Galvanizing shop; (ii) ALCAN, Montreal, Drafting/Design Department; (iii) Dupont Canada, Montreal, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning Department.
2. National Research Council (NRC), Ottawa, Ont. 1958 (_ 6 months); research in Low-Temperature Lab.
3. General Electric Co., Fraser & Chalmers Works, Erith, Kent, U.K.; 1958-60: Fellowship for training in Nuclear Engineering. Works experience (6 mos.); Operations Research Department (6 mo.); Nuclear Engineering Department, Heat Transfer Section (12 mo.).
4. Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario; 1963-67. Assistant Research Officer (’63-’65), Associate Research Officer (’65-’67), in Engineering Research Branch, Applied Physics Division. Responsible for theoretical and experimental work on flow- induced vibrations in nuclear reactors; also worked on Thermohydrodynamic stability of two-phase flows and fluid-structure interactions in the Intense Neutron Generator project.
5. McGill University, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Montreal, Que., 1967–present. Assistant Professor (1967–70); Associate Professor (1970–76); Professor (1976–2000); Chairman of Department (1977–86); Thomas Workman Professor (1986–2000); Thomas Workman Emeritus Professor (2000– ).
6. Battelle North-West, Richland, Wash., U.S.A. Consultant on Fluid-elasticity (1968–71). 7. Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., CRNL, Chalk River, Ont. and WNRE, Whiteshell,
Man. Consultant on flow-induced vibrations (1971–81).
8. Government of the Republic of Cyprus, Honorary Consul of Cyprus in Montreal (1983–95); Honorary Consul General (1995– ).
9. Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A. Visiting Scientist, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Aug. 1987–May 88); on sabbatical leave from McGill.
10. Commissariat `a l’Energie Atomique, Centre d’Etudes Nucl _eaires, Saclay, France (June – Aug. 1988); on sabbatical leave from McGill.
Served as consultant over the last 25 years on various problems involving flow-induced vibrations, to several firms, including Battelle North-West (Richland, WA); Babcock & Wilcox Co. (Lynchburg, VA); AECL (Chalk River, ON and Whiteshell, Man); Combustion Engineering Inc. (Windsor, CT); Mayer, Brown & Platt Attorneys (Chicago, for General Electric Co.); Pulp & Paper Research Institute of Canada (Montreal); Temfibre Inc. (Temiscaming, Qu _e.); Hyundai (Ulsan, Korea); Velan Inc. (Montreal); Martin Marietta (Oak Ridge, TN); Ontario Hydro Research (Toronto, Ont.); General Electric Co. (San Jos _e, CA); Tecsult (Montreal); EPRI, Electric Power Research Institute (Palo Alto, CA).
Founding Editor, Journal of Fluids and Structures, published by Academic Press Inc., London, and as of 2003 by Elsevier Science, Oxford; appointment made in November 1986.
Also, member of the International Advisory Editorial Board of Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, published by Pergamon Press (1990– )
Listed in Who’s Who in the World since 2004, Who’s Who in America since 1982–83, the Canadian Who’s Who since 1990, Who’s Who in Technology and American Men and Women of Science since 1991, Who’s Who in Computational Science and Engineering since 2005; International Directory of Distinguished Leadership since 2005.
(1978) “Marine Propulsion Apparatus” Canadian Patent No.: 1,034,817 U.S. Patent No.: 4,129,089
A complete list of publications is given on the website: http://people.mcgill.ca/michael.paidoussis/
A. Books (2)
B. Papers in refereed journals (total: 208)
C. Papers published in full in refereed conference proceedings (126)
D. Editorship of Conference Proceedings volumes (27)
E. Papers in conferences where only extended abstracts are published (92)
F. Reports and theses (37)
G. Other publications (9)
1. M.P. Païdoussis, Fluid-Structure Interactions: Slender Structures and Axial Flow, Volume 1, 1998, London: Academic Press.
2. M.P. Païdoussis, Fluid-Structure Interactions: Slender Structures and Axial Flow, Volume 2, 2003, London: Elsevier Academic Press.
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