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Head, Institute for Computational Mechanics [Lehrstuhl für Numerische Meckanik (LNM)]
Technical University of Munich
Research Interests:
Since its founding in 2003, LNM has been committed to what can best be described as cutting-edge "application-motivated fundamental research“ in a broad range of research areas in computational mechanics. With a strong basis in both computational solid and fluid dynamics, the current focus lies on multi-field and multi-scale problems as well as on computational bioengineering. In all these areas, LNM covers the full spectrum from advanced modeling and the development of novel computational methods to sophisticated software development and application-oriented simulations on high performance computing systems.
Selected Publications:
----BOOK (Ph.D. dissertation)---- Wall, W.A., “Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion mit Stabilisierten Finiten Elementen”, Bericht Nr. 31, Institut für Baustatik, Universität Stuttgart, 1999 (in German)
Mayr M., Klöppel T., Wall W.A., Gee M.W.: A Temporal Consistent Approach to Fluid-Structure Interaction Enabling Single Field Predictors. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, accepted 2014
Henke F., Winklmaier M., Gravemeier V., Wall W.A.: A semi-Lagrangean time-integration approach for extended finite element methods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 98 (3) (2014) 174-202
Danowski C., Gravemeier V., Yoshihara L., Wall W.A.: A monolithic computational approach to thermo-structure interaction. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 95 (13) (2013) 1053-1078
Popp A., Seitz A., Gee M.W., Wall W.A.: Improved robustness and consistency of 3D contact algorithms based on a dual mortar approach. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 264 (2013) 67-80
Klöppel T., Popp A., Küttler U., Wall W.A.: Fluid-structure interaction for non-conforming interfaces based on a dual mortar formulation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (45-46) (2011) 3111-3126
Klöppel T., Wall W.A.: A novel two-layer, coupled finite element approach for modeling the nonlinear elastic and viscoelastic behavior of human erythrocytes. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 10 (4) (2011) 445-459
Klöppel T., Gee M., Wall W.A.: A scaled thickness conditioning for solid- and solid-shell discretizations of thin-walled structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (9-12) (2011) 1301-1310
Gee M., Küttler U., Wall W.A.: Truly monolithic algebraic multigrid for fluid-structure interaction. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 85 (8) (2011) 987-1016
Küttler U., Gee M.; Förster Ch., Comerford A., Wall W.A.: Coupling strategies for biomedical fluid-structure interaction problems. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 26 (3-4) (2010) 305-321
Wall W.A., Gerstenberger A., Küttler U., Mayer M. U.: An XFEM based fixed-grid approach for 3D fluid-structure interaction. Fluid Structure Interaction II-Modelling, Simulation, Optimization, LNCSE 73, Springer, 2010, 327-349
Wall W.A., Küttler U., Gerstenberger A., Gee M., Förster Ch.: Advances in computational fluid-thin-walled-structure interaction – formulations and solvers. New Trends in Thin Structures: Formulation, Optimization and Coupled Problems, Series: CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences 519, Springer, 2010, 175-203
Ramm E., von Scheven M., Förster C., Wall W.A.: Interaction of incompressible flows and thin- walled structures. ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium - New Computational Challenges in Materials, Structures, and Fluids, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences 14, Springer, 2009, 219-234
Küttler U., Wall W.A.: Vector extrapolation for strong coupling fluid-structure interaction solvers. Journal of Applied Mechanics 76 (2) (2009) 1-7
Wall W.A., Rabczuk T.: Fluid-structure interaction in lower airways of CT-based lung geometries. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 57 (2008) 653-675
For more see the link, Prof. Wolfgang A. Wall
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