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Director of Engineering Science Programme and
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
National University of Singapore
B.Eng. (First Class Honours), Monash University, Australia 1978
M.Eng.Sc., Monash University, Australia 1980
Ph.D., Monash University, Australia 1982
C.Eng., Institution of Structural Engineers 1998
Fellow of Institution of Engineers Singapore
Fellow of Institution of Structural Engineers
C.M. Wang is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He graduated from Monash University in Civil Engineering with a First Class Honours in 1978 and was awarded a M.Eng.Sc. and a Ph.D. degree from the same university in 1980 and 1982, respectively. Professor Wang is currently the Director for the Engineering Science Programme, NUS Faculty of Engineering. He is also the Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia.
Professor Wang is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore, a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Singapore and a Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers. He is presently the Chairman of the IStructE Singapore Division. He serves in the Steering Committees for ICOTA and APCOM. He was a member of the General Council of the Asian Pacific Association of Computational Mechanics (APACM) and a member-at-large of the Structural Stability Research Council, USA and a member of the ISSC Committee V.4 Offshore Renewable Energy.
His research interests are in the areas of structural stability, vibration, optimization, plated structures and Mega-Floats. His recent grants are secured for research in the areas of very large floating structures, underground structures and carbon nanotubes. He is the author or co-author of over 400 scientific publications, reviewer of many international journals in mechanics, editor of several conference proceedings such as the proceedings on optimization techniques and applications and on computational mechanics and special issues of journals and co-editor of two volumes on Analysis and Design of Plated Structures and a book on Very Large Floating Structures. He is an Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics and the IES Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering and an Editorial Board Member of Engineering Structures, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Ocean Systems Engineering. Moreover, he has co-authored three books "Vibration of Mindlin Plates", "Shear Deformable Beams and Plates: Relationships with Classical Solutions" and "Exact Solutions for Buckling of Structural Members". The first two books were published in 1998 and 2000, respectively, by Elsevier Science while the latest book is published by CRC Press in July 2004.
Professor Wang research papers on flexural-torsional buckling of monosymmetric I-beams have been cited in structural stability textbooks (Bazant and Cedolin 1991, Trahair and Bradford 1991) and his buckling formulas for these beams have been adopted in the American Aluminium Specification and in the design of crane runaway beams according to the Australian design code AS4100 Steel Structures. His paper entitled "Recent Elastic Buckling Formulas and Design Charts for Straight Members and Plates" bagged the IES/IStructE Best Structural paper award 1993. His proposed "Shooting-Optimization Technique", for solving two-point boundary value problems, has been applied by many researchers to solve all kinds of problems such as variable arc-length beam problems (Prof S Chucheepsakul from Thailand, Prof T Huang from USA), biofilm problems (Prof Steven from Canada), undersea cables (Prof Friswell from UK), and fibre problems (Profs Lawryshyn and Kuhn USA). His work on the automation of the Ritz method for plate analysis has drawn much interest from the research community. Researchers such as Prof JN Reddy (USA), Prof AW Leissa (USA), Prof S Dickinson (Canada), Prof YK Cheung (Hong Kong), Prof PA Laura (Argentina) and Prof MA Bradford (Australia) have adopted the method for their plate analyses. His work on developing relationships between the solutions of thick plate theories and the classical thin plate theory has drawn many complimentary reviews. Interestingly, his work on thick annular plates have been used by Israeli scientists to determine the elastic properties of membrane skeleton of living cells which may be modelled as thick plates!
Professor Wang has contributed to the development and application of nonlocal continuum mechanics for predicting the bending, vibration and buckling behaviour of nanostructures, especially carbon nanotubes. Presently he is doing research on refining the nonlocal beam and cylindrical shell models for better prediction of the mechanical responses of carbon nanotubes. The study also involves calibrating the small length scale parameter in the nonlocal models by using Molecular Dynamic Simulations and experimental results.
More recently, Prof Wang conducted cutting-edge research, developed and promoted the use of pontoon-type very large floating structures (VLFS) technology in Singapore and elsewhere. These VLFS lie on the sea surface like giant plates on water, creating valuable land that help in easing congestion in coastal cities and improving the quality of people’s life. The advantages of VLFS over traditional land reclamation include their environmental friendliness (does not pollute the water or destroy the marine ecosystem in the seabed and being easily removed or expanded), the cost effectiveness in dealing with deep water and soft seabed, providing useful interior spaces, and are not affected by earthquakes. VLFS have been deployed as floating oil storage facilities, bridges, restaurants, amusement facilities, emergency base, and piers/berths. While conducting research and development of a super large floating container terminal, Prof Wang invented the gill cells (compartments within the floating structure with holes or slits at the bottom floor to allow water in and out freely) to minimize differential deflections and bending stresses in unevenly loaded VLFS. An International PCT Application No. PCT/SG2005/000356 was filed and the application was published on 19 April 2007. Since then, the invention has been patented in Japan, United States and China. This invention can potentially be applied in very large floating structures, mooring buoys, spars, and semi-submersibles. Prof Wang also filed for a patent on offshore floating bunker supply base which will save bunkering costs for both bunker supplier and ship owners as well as precious anchorage space in Singapore waters and a stand-alone offshore fuel storage facility for storing large amounts of fuel or other petrochemicals. Such a floating fuel storage facility will help to solve the land crunch problem faced by Singapore to provide land space for oil tank farms. Prof Wang co-edited the first book on Very Large Floating Structures (published by Taylor and Francis) and wrote more than 30 papers on VLFSs or related to the subject. He has been invited to give keynote lectures and short courses on VLFSs in Japan, India, Australia, Norway, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. He is the principal investigator for several research and industrial projects on VLFSs that amounts to over S$750,000. He was the consultant for the floating platform at Marina Bay and the JTC Corporation assessor for the tender documents on the floating fuel storage facility. Prof Wang’s current VLFS studies include the research and development of connector system for large floating concrete structures, hydrodynamic interaction between floating modules, anti-motion devices for VLFS and floating platform for OTEC.
Professor Wang is actively involved in undergraduate teaching and was formerly the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Programs and chaired the Engineering Undergraduate Programs Advisory Committee (EUPAC), the Faculty Accreditation and Benchmarking Committee (FABC) and the Engineering Learning, Teaching and Education (ELTEC) in the Faculty. He has also served in the University Committee on Educational Policy (UCEP) and the Board of Undergraduate Studies (BUS). Although he has stepped down from being the Associate Director of the Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL) at the National University of Singapore from 1998-2001, he is still serving CDTL as a CDTL Affiliate. He recently chaired the International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 1-3 December 2004, Singapore. He assisted the PE Board and IES in drafting the accreditation manual for the Engineering Accreditation Board of Singapore. He is also an external examiner for the Diploma in Offshore Engineering, Ngee Ann Polytechnic and the MSc(Civil Engineering) programme in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Professor Wang is the first recipient of the NUS Faculty of Engineering and University Innovative Teaching Awards 1997/1998 for his innovative use of simple and novel real-life examples to bring across abstract and difficult concepts of mechanics. He was also awarded the Civil Engineering Department and the University Teaching Excellence Awards 1998/1999. He has been listed in the 100 Best Teachers in NUS 2002.
Professor Wang has chaired and been invited to serve in international scientific committees of many conferences that include the International Conference on Optimisation Techniques and Applications (ICOTA), Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics (APCOM), Conference on Structural Stability and Design, International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE), International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM), the International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering Science (EPMESC) and the International Symposium on New Perspectives for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-APCS). He has been invited to speak in a number of conferences and was the keynote speaker for the First International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 23-25 August 1999, Korea (Paper title: Deducing thick plate solutions from classical thin plate solutions) the International Symposium on Ocean Space Utilization Technology, 28-31 January 2003, Tokyo (Paper title: Sea space utilization in Singapore), the Third International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, 19-22 June 2005, Kissimmee, Florida (Paper title: Relationships between buckling stresses / vibration frequencies of Mindlin and Kirchhoff plates). The sixth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, 16-18 December 2009, Hong Kong (Paper title: Hydroelastic analysis of the large floating plateform at Marina Bay in Singapore), the Twelveth East-Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 26-28 January 2011, Hong Kong (Paper Title: Very large floating structures: Applications, research and development), the Fourth International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, 4-6 January 2012, Jaipur, India (Paper Title: Novel solution to mitigate hydroelastic response of very large floating structures).
Honours & Awards:
Faculty of Engineering Innovative Teaching Award 2007/2008
IES Outstanding Volunteer Award 2007/2008
Lewis Kent Award 2009
Monash University Postgraduate Scholarship 1979-1982
IES/IStructE Best Structural Paper Award 1993
Engineering Faculty Innovative Teaching Award 1997
University Innovative Teaching Award 1997/1998
Department of Civil Engineering Teaching Excellence Award 1998/1999
University Teaching Excellence Award 1998/1999
Listed in the top 100 NUS Excellent Teachers 2001/2002
Department of Civil Engineering Teaching Honors List Award 2003/2004.
Listed in the Marquis Who's Who in the World, 1998-present
Listed in the Marquis Who's in Science and Engineering, 1996-present
Visiting Scientist, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), 2000, 2002.
Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
Member of Editorial Board of Engineering Structures, 2006 - present.
Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Computational Structural Engineering, 2000-present
Courses Taught (perhaps several times) Since Academic Year 2000:
Design Project 1
Mechanics and Waves
Major Design Project
Plastic Analysis of Structures
Statics & Mechanics of Materials
Plate & Shell Structures (wef AY2003/04
Engineering Professionalism
List of Publications:
See: http://www.eng.nus.edu.sg/civil/people/cvewcm/wcm.html
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