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Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering
School of Petroleum Engineering
China Universtiy of Petroleum, Qingdao, China
Research Interests:
Shell buckling, composite structures, structural stability, thin-walled structures and structural dynamics
Selected Publications:
1. Hongtao Wang, James G A Croll (2015). “Plateau Lower Bounds to the Imperfection Sensitive Buckling of
Composite Shells”, Composite Structures, Vol.133, pp.979-985
2. James G A Croll, Hongtao Wang (2015). “Lower Bound Buckling Loads for Design of Laminated
Composite Cylinders”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Buckling and Postbuckling
Behaviour of Composite Laminated Shell Structures with DESICOS Workshop, Braunschweig, Germany,
25-27 March 2015
3. Hongtao Wang (2014). “Reduced Stiffness Criteria for the Safe Buckling Design of Thin Shells and its
Numerical Validation”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 905, pp.283-286
4. Hongtao Wang (2014). “An Approach to the Lower Bounds for the Nonlinear Buckling of Thin Shells”,
Proceedings of ISOPE Eleventh Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Shanghai, China, 12-16
October 2014
5. Hongtao Wang, James G A Croll (2013). “Lower Bound Analysis for FRP Laminated Cylindrical Shells”,
AIAA Journal, Vol.51, No.1, pp.218-225.
6. Hongtao Wang, James G A Croll (2012). “Design Optimisation of Lower-Bound Buckling Capacities
for FRP-Laminated Cylindrical Shells”, ISRN Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2012,
Article ID 636898, 10 pages
7. Hongtao Wang, James G A Croll (2008). “Optimization of Shell Buckling Using Lower Bound
Capacities”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol.46, No.7-9, pp.1011-1020
8. Hongtao Wang, James G A Croll (2008). “Finite Element Validation of a Lower
Bound Design Method for Optimising Buckling Capacities of FRP Shells”. Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Composite Laminated Shell
Structures with COCOMAT (The EC 6th Framework Programme) Workshop, DLR (German Aerospace Center), Braunschweig, Germany,
3-5 September
9. Hongtao Wang, James G A Croll (2007). “Buckling Design Optimisation of Fibre Reinforced Polymer
Shells Using Lower-Bound Post-Buckling Capacities”. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Experimental Mechanics
(ICEM 13), Alexandroupolis, Greece, July
10. James G A Croll, Hongtao Wang (2007). “Safe Estimates for Imperfection Sensitive Buckling Loads
for Shell Structures”. Proceedings of Third International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics
and Computation (SEMC 2007), Cape Town, South Africa, September
11. Hongtao Wang, James G A Croll (2006). “Optimising Buckling Capacities for Composite Shells”.
Proceedings of III European Conference on Computational Mechanics-Solids, Structures and Coupled
Problems in Engineering (ECCM 2006), Lisbon, Portugal, June
12. Hongtao Wang, James G A Croll (2005). “An Approach to Buckling Optimisation of Composite Shells”.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Composite/Nano Engineering, Tenerife, Spain,
13. Hongtao Wang, Yuren Hu (2004). “Dynamic Elastic Analysis of Thin-Walled Beams Subject to Axial Impact”, Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Vol.38, No.11,
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