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Department of Aerospace Engineering
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
1973 - B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University
1976 - M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
1988 - Ph.D. in Materials Engineering Science, VPI & SU
Research Interests:
Prediction of damage initiation and growth in cryogenic composites and foams; Multiscale computational mechanics from nano to macro; Multifunctional materials; Numerical simulation of electric double layer supercapacitor; Mechanics of textile composites; Mechanics of polymer film scratching; Novel finite element analysis strategies
Selected Publications:
Whitcomb, J.D. (1981). Finite element analysis of instability related delamination growth. Journal of Composite Materials Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 403–426
Whitcomb, J.D., 1982. Approximate analysis of postbuckled through-the-width delaminations. Comp. Technol., 4: 71-77
Whitcomb, J. D. (1983) Strain Energy Release Rate Analysis of Cyclic Delamination Growth in Compressively Loaded Laminates, NASA TM-84598, Washington, DC.
Whitcomb, J. D., "Strain-Energy Release Rate Analysis of Cyclic Delamination Growth in Compressively Loaded Laminates," Effects of Defects in Composite Materials. ASTM STP 836, K. L. Reifsnider, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1984, pp. 175-193
John D. Whitcomb and I.S. Raju, Analysis of interlaminar stresses in thick composite laminates with and without edge delamination”, NASA Technical Memorandum 85738, January 1984
Whitcomb J.D., 1984, Analysis of instability-related growth of a through-width delamination, NASA TM-86301
K.N. Shivakumar and J.D. Whitcomb, “Buckling of a Sublaminate in a Quasi-Isotropic Composite Laminate”, Journal of Composite Materials, January 1985, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 2-18
Ramkumar, R. L.; Whitcomb, J. D.: Characterization of mode I and mixed-mode delamination growth in T300/5208 graphite epoxy. Delamination and Debonding of Materials, ASTM STP 876 1985: 315–335
Whitcomb, J.D., 1986. Parametric analytical study of instability related delamination growth. Composites Sci. Technol., 25: 19-48.
Whitcomb, J. D. (1988) Mechanics of Instability-related Delamination Growth. NASA TM-100662, Washington, DC.
Whitcomb, J. D. (editor), Proceeding of Composite Materials: Testing and Design Conference, ASTM, Philadelphia, STP 972, 1988
Whitcomb, J. D. (1989) Predicted and observed effects of stacking sequence and delamination size on instability related delamination growth. Journal of Composites Technology and Research, 11, 94–98
Whitcomb, J. D. (1989) Comparison of full 3-d, thin-film 3-d and thin-film plate analyses of a postbuckling embedded delamination. Proc. 12th Canadian Congress Appl. Mechanics, Vols. 1 and 2, 144–145
Whitcomb, J.D. and K.N. Shivakumar, 1989. Strain energy release rate analysis of a laminate with a post buckled delamination. J. Composite Materials, 23: 714-734
Whitcomb, J.D. (1989). Three-dimensional analysis of a postbuckled embedded delamination. Journal of Composite Materials 23, 862–889.
Whitcomb, J.D.: Mechanics of instability-related delamination growth. In: Garbo, S.P. (ed.) Composite materials: testing and design, vol 9. ASTM STP 1059. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia pp. 215–230 (1990)
(For more see the link, Prof. John D. Whitcomb)
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