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Principal Scientist: Halliburton – Jet Research Center
Previous: Schlumberger, Harvard University
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Selected Publications:
Z. Xue and J.W. Hutchinson. Preliminary assessment of sandwich plates
subject to blast loads. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 45:
687–705, 2003.
Z. Xue and J.W. Hutchinson. Crush dynamics of square honeycomb sandwich cores. accepted in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
Z. Xue and J.W. Hutchinson. A comparative study of blast-resistant
metal sandwich plates. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 30:
1283–1305, 2004.
Z. Xue and J.W. Hutchinson. Constitutive model for metallic sandwich
structures: I-theory. Preprint, 2004.
Z. Xue and J.W. Hutchinson. Constitutive model for metallic sandwich
structures: II-application. Preprint, 2004.
Z. Xue and J.W. Hutchinson. Constitutive model for quasi-static deformation of metallic sandwich cores. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 61(13):2205–2238, 2004.
J.W. Hutchinson and Z. Xue. Metal sandwich plates optimized for pressure impulses. Preprint, 2004.
J. W. Hutchinson and Z. Xue, “Metal sandwich plates optimized for pressure impulses”, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 47 (2005), 545–569.
Z. Xue, A. Vaziri, and J. W. Hutchinson, “Non-uniform constitutive model for compressible orthotropic materials with application to sandwich plate cores”, Cmes-Comp. Model. Eng. 10 (2005), 79–95.
H. J. Rathbun, D. D. Radford, Z. Xue, M. Y. He, J. Yang, V. S. Deshpande, N. A. Fleck, J. W. Hutchinson, F. W. Zok, and A. G. Evans, “Performance of metallic honeycomb-core sandwich beams under shock loading”, Int. J. Solids Struct. 43 (2006), 1746–1763.
A. Vaziri, Z. Xue, and J. W. Hutchinson, “Metal sandwich plates with polymer foam-filled cores”, J. Mech. Mater. Struct. 1 (2006), 95–125.
Z. Xue and J. W. Hutchinson, “Crush dynamics of square honeycomb sandwich cores”, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 65 (2006), 2221–2245.
D. Mohr, Z. Y. Xue, and A. Vaziri, “Quasi-static punch indentation of a honeycomb sandwich plate: Experiments and Constitutive Modeling”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 1:3 (2006), 581–604
A. Vaziri, Z. Y. Xue, and J. W. Hutchinson, “Performance and failure of metal sandwich plates subject to shock loading”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures (2007). In press
Haydn N. G. Wadley, Kumar P. Dharmasena, Doug T. Queheillalt, Yungchia Chen, Philip Dudt, David Knight, Ken Kiddy, Zhenyu Xue And Ashkan Vaziri, “Dynamic Compression of Square Honeycomb Structures During Underwater Impulsive Loading”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 2, No. 10, 2007
K. P. Dharmasena, H. N. G. Wadley, Z. Xue, and J. W. Hutchinson, “Mechanical response of metallic honeycomb sandwich panel structures to high-intensity dynamic loading”, Int. J. Impact Eng. (2007).
Mori LF, Lee S, Xue ZY, Vaziri A, Queheillalt DT, Dharmasena KP, Wadley HNG, Hutchinson JW, Espinosa HD. Deformation and fracture modes of sandwich structures subjected to underwater impulsive loads. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 2007; 2: 1981-2006
A. Vaziri and Z. Y. Xue, “Mechanical behavior and constitutive modeling of metal cores”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 2:9 (2007), 1743–1760.
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