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German Aerospace Center, Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems, Structural Mechanics, Braunschweig (DLR)
Selected publications (for more see the link, Prof. Rolf Zimmermann):
B. M. Geier, H. Klein, and R. Zimmermann, “Buckling tests with axially compressed unstiffened cylindrical shells made from CFRP,” in Proceedings, international colloquium on buckling of shell structures, on land, in the sea and in the air, London and New York: Elsevier Applied Sciences, 1991, pp. 498–507.
R. Zimmermann, axial. Optimierung, C. F. K. gedrückter-Zylinderschalen, V. D. I. Fortschrittsberichte, Nr, 1992
Zimmermann, R. [German Aerospace Center, Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems, Structural Mechanics, Braunschweig (DLR)] (1993) “Multiobjective optimization of fiber composite shells for maximum buckling load and imperfection tolerance”. In: Advances in Design Automation, - 1993 - DE-Vol. 65-1. Eds. B.J. Gilmore; D.A. Hoeltzel; S. Azarm; H.E. Eschenauer., pp. 631-636. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.. 19th Design Automation Conference, Albuquerque/New Mexico, USA, 19.-22. Sept. 1993.
B. M. Geier, H. Klein, and R. Zimmermann, “Experiments,” in Proceedings, international conference on composite engineering, ICCE/1, 1994, pp. 1043–1044.
Klein, H.; and Zimmermann, R.: Experiments on the Buckling of CFRP Cylindrical Shells Under Non-Uniform Axial Load, presented at the International Conference on Composite Engineering, New Orleans, LA, 1994, pp. 28-31.
R. Zimmermann, “Buckling research for imperfection tolerant fiber composite structures,” in Proc. Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Mechanical Testing, 1996, pp. 411–416.
M. Seibel, B. Geier, R. Zimmermann and H. Eschenauer, “Optimization and experimental investigations of stiffened, axially compressed CFRP-panels”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1998, pp. 124-131, doi: 10.1007/BF01278498
Chiara Bisagni and Rolf Zimmermann, “Buckling of axially compressed fiber composite cylindrical shells due to impulsive loading”, in Spacecraft structures, materials and mechanical testing, Proceedings of a European Conference held at Braunschweig, Germany, 4-6 November 1998. Paris: European Space Agency (ESA), ESA-SP, Vol. 428, 1999, ISBN: 9290927127., p.557, doi: 1999ESASP.428..557B
H.-R. Meyer-Piening, M. Farshad, B. Geier, and R. Zimmermann, “Buckling loads of CFRP composite cylinders under combined axial and torsion loading – experiments and computations,” Composite Structures, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 427–435, Sep. 2001.
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