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Department of Mechanical, Aeronautical and Biomedical Engineering
University of Limerick, Luimneach, Ireland
Formerly: DIMES, University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy
Selected Publications:
Giovanni Zucco, “Imperfection sensitivity analysis of thin walled shell structures”, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Calabria, Italy, 2015
A. Madeo, R. Casciaro, G. Zagari, R. Zinno and G. Zucco, “A mixed isostatic 16 dof quadrilateral membrane element with drilling rotations based on Airy stresses”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 80, pp 52-66, October 2014
E. J. Barbero, A. Madeo, G. Zagari, R. Zinno and G. Zucco, “A mixed isostatic 24 dof element for static and buckling analysis of laminated folded plates”, Composite Structures, Vol. 116, 223-234, 2014
Barbero, E.J. Madeo, A., Zagari, G., Zinno, R., Zucco, G., Koiter asymptotic analysis of folded laminated composite plates, Composites Part B: Eng., 61, pp. 267–274, 2014
E.J. Barbero, A. Madeo, G. Zagari, R. Zinno and G. Zucco, “Imperfection sensitivity analysis of laminated folded plates”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 90, pp 128-139, May 2015
Viorel Ungureanu, Dan Dubina, Andrei Crisan, Antonio Madeo, Giuseppe Zagari, Giovanni Zucco and Raffaele Zinno, “Koiter asymptotic analysis of thin-walled cold-formed steel members”, Acta Mechanica et Automatica, Vol. 9, No. 4, December 2015
Tomasz Kubiak, Mariusz Urbaniak, Giovanni Zucco and Antonio Madeo, “Imperfection sensitivity analysis of the nonlinear stability of composite beams – Numerical and experimental investigations”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 94, pp 360-369, June 2016
G. Zucco, R.M.J. Groh, A. Madeo and P.M. Weaver, “Mixed shell element for static and buckling analysis of variable angle tow composite plates”, Composite Structures, Vol. 152, pp 324-338, September 2016
G. Zagari, G. Zucco, A. Madeo, V. Ungureanu, R. Zinno and D. Dubina, “Evaluation of the erosion of critical buckling load of cold-formed steel members in Koiter asymptotic analysis”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 108, pp 193-204, November 2016
V. Ungureanu, A. Madeo, G. Zagari, G. Zucco, D. Dubina and R. Zinno, “Koiter asymptotic analysis of thin-walled cold-formed steel uprights pallet racks”, Structures, Vol. 8, pp 286-299, November 2016
A. Madeo, R.M.J. Groh, G. Zucco, P.M. Weaver, G. Zagari and R. Zinno, “Post-buckling analysis of variable-angle tow composite plates using Koiter’s approach and the finite element method”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 110, pp 1-13, January 2017
Radoslaw J. Mania, Antonio Madeo, Giovanni Zucco and Tomasz Kubiak, “Imperfection sensitivity of post-buckling of FML channel section column”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 114, pp 32-38, May 2017
E.J. Barbero, A. Madeo, G. Zagari, R. Zinno and G. Zucco, “Imperfection sensitivity analysis of composite cylindrical shells using Koiter’s method”, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Vol.18, No.1, Special Issue: Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Composite Laminated Shell Structures, pp 105-111, January 2017
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