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Professor Farid Taheri

Professor Farid Taheri

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Dr. Taheri teaches courses in mechanics of materials, computations, finite element method (linear and non-linear), fracture mechanics and fatigue, and fiber-reinforced plastics. Dr. Taheri is mainly interested in understanding and modeling of structural and materials response with computational and experimental methods to offer cost-effective solutions. He has expertise in developing effective design and experimental programs for specific case studies. He has long record of experience in computational mechanics and experimental characterization (static & dynamic) of fiber-reinforced composite materials; structural rehabilitation and vibration-based damage detection of structures using smart sensors and materials; fatigue, and fracture of materials; characterization of impact response and other highly nonlinear events of structural materials. Dr. Taheri worked in industry for eight years before joining the Civil Engineering department in 1994. He has also been engaged in several consulting projects commissioned by prestigious entities such as the Canadian Space Agency, and the Defence Research Laboratories, as well as other industries. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the province of Nova Scotia. He is also a member of ASME and AAM.

1986-present: Licensed Professional Engineer in Province of Nova Scotia since 1986
2001-present: Full Professor, Civil Engineering, Dalhousie University
2004-present: Adjunct Professor, Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Research Interests:
Nonlinear computational mechanics, Fiber-reinforced composite materials, Nanocomposites, Structural health monitoring, Fatigue and fracture of materials, Impact response, Adhesively bonded joints, Pipeline assessment

Selected Publications:
Moradi, S., and Taheri, F., 1997. Application of the differential quadrature method to the analysis of delamination buckling of composite beam-plates. In proceedings of the computer modeling and simulations in engineering, International conference on computational engineering science, May 1997, pp. 1238–1243.

Moradi, S., and Taheri, F., 1999. Delamination buckling analysis of general laminated composite beams by differential quadrature method. Composites: Part B: Engineering 30: 503–511

Kenny S, Pegg N, Taheri F (2000) Dynamic elastic buckling of a slender beam with geometric imperfections subject to an axial impulse. Finite Elem Anal Des 35:227–246

Farid Taheri and Shapour Moradi, “Application of DQM as an effective simulation tool for buckling response of delaminated composite plates”, Composite Structures, Vol. 51, No. 4, April 2001, pp. 439-449

Kenny S, Taheri F, Pegg N (2002) Experimental investigations on the dynamic plastic buckling of a slender beam subject to axial impact. Int J Impact Eng 27:1–17

Zhang Z, Taheri F (2004) Dynamic pulse-buckling behavior of ‘quasi-ductile’ carbon/epoxy and E-glass/epoxy laminated composite beams. Compos Struct 64:269–274

Timothy E. Dunbar, Neil Pegg, Farid Taheri and Lei Jiang, “A computational investigation of the effects of localized corrosion on plates and stiffened panels”, Marine Structures, Vol. 17, No. 5, September 2004, pp. 385-402

H. Han, J. Cheng, F. Taheri, N. Pegg, Numerical and experimental investigations of the response of aluminum cylinders with a cutout subject to axial compression, Thin-Walled Structures, 44 (2006) 254-270.

Kaveh Arjomandi and Farid Taheri, “Elastic buckling capacity of bonded and unbonded sandwich pipes under external hydrostatic pressure”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2010

Kaveh Arjomandi and Farid Taheri, “Influence of the material plasticity on the chacteristic behavior of sandwich pipes”, Paper No. IPC2010-31518, pp. 681-688; 8 pages, doi:10.1115/IPC2010-31518, 8th International Pipeline Conference, Vol. 3, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September 27-October 1, 2010

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