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Department of Mechanical Engineering Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Mechanical Engineering Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Selected Publications:
G. J. Simitses and V. Ungbhakorn, “Minimum weight design of stiffened cylinders under axial compression”, AIAA Paper No. 101, 1–9 (1974).
George J. Simitses and Variddhi Ungbhakorn, “Weight optimization of stiffened cylinders under axial compression”, Computers & Structures, Vol. 5, Nos 5,6, pp 305-314, December 1975
Pairod Singhatanadgid and Variddhi Ungbhakorn, “Buckling similitude invariants of symmetrically laminated plates subjected to biaxial loading”, Publisher and date not given; most recent reference is 1999
Variddhi Ungbhakorn, “A new approach for establishing structural similitude for buckling of symmetric cross-ply laminated plates subjected to combined loading”, publisher and date not given; most recent reference 2002
Sorasit Arunpitak, Pairod Singhatanadgid and Variddhi Ungbhakorn, “An experiment verification of the scaling law for buckling of cross-ply composite plates”, Publisher and date not given; most recent reference is 2002
P. Singhatanadgid and V. Ungbhakorn, “Scaling laws for vibration response of anti-symmetrically laminated plates,” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 345–364, 2002.
Ungbhakorn V. and Singhatanadgid P., Similitude invariants and scaling laws for buckling experiments on anti-symmetrically laminated plates subjected to biaxial loading, Compos. Struct. 59 (2003) 455–465.
Ungbhakorn V. and Singhatanadgid P., Scaling law and physical similitude for buckling and vibration of antisymmetric angle-ply laminated cylindrical shells, Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn. 3 (4) (2003) 567–583.
Variddhi Ungbhakorn and Pairod Singhatanadgid, “Similitude and Physical Modeling for Buckling and Vibration of Symmetric Cross-Ply Laminated Circular Cylindrical Shells”, Journal of Composite Materials, October 2003, vol. 37, no. 19, pp.1697-1712
Singhatanadgid P. and Ungbhakorn V., Scaling laws for buckling of polar orthotropic annular plates subjected to loading., Thin-Walled Struct. 43 (2005) 1115–1129.
Ungbhakorn, V., Wattanasakulpong, N.: Bending Analysis of Symmetrically Laminated Rectangular Plates with Arbitrary Edge Supports by the Extended Kantorovich Method. Thammasat lnt. J. Sci. Technol. 11(1):33-44, 2006
Variddhi Ungbhakorn, Pairod Singhatanadgid. “Buckling Analysis of Symmetrically Laminated Composite Plates by the Extended Kantorovich Method.” Composite Structures 73 (2006): 120-128.
Ungbhakorn V. and Wattanasakulpong N., Structural similitude and scaling laws of anti-symmetric cross-ply laminated cylindrical shells for buckling and vibration experiments, Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn. 7 (4) (2007) 609–627.
Ungbhakorn V. and Singhatanadgid P., A Scaling law for vibration response of laminated doubly curved shallow shells by energy approach, Mech. Adv. Mater. Struct. 16 (2009) 333–344.
N. Wattanasakulpong and V. Ungbhakorn, “Free vibration analysis of functionally graded beams with general elastically end constraints by DTM,” World J. Mech., vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 297–310, 2012.
Nuttawit Wattanasakulpong and Variddhi Ungbhakorn, “Analytical solutions for bending, buckling and vibration responses of carbon nanotube-reinforced composite beams resing on elastic foundation”, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 71, pp 201-208, April 2013
Ungbhakorn V, Wattanasakulpong N. Thermo-elastic vibration analysis of third-order shear deformable functionally graded plates with distributed patch mass under thermal environment. Appl Acoust 2013;74:1045–1059.
Wattanasakulpong N, Ungbhakorn V (2014) Linear and nonlinear vibration analysis of elastically restrained ends FGM beams with porosities. Aerospace Sci Technol 32:111–120
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