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See: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucesgvd/index.html
Center for Nonlinear Dynamics and Its Applications
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
University College London
Research Interests:
Generally the geometrically exact description and analysis of slender structures in constrained environments.
1. Nonlinear mechanics of slender elastic structures, both 1D (rods, strings) and 2D (strips, ribbons): post-buckling behaviour, large deformations, (multi-pulse) localisation, statical and dynamical stability, bifurcation, constrained deformation (self-contact and surface contact), interaction, discontinuities (kinks), writhing, whirling, transport, ply formation, multi-strand structures, boundary layers, topological properties such as link and writhe. Applications both in engineering (pipe lay, twisted cables, (electrodynamic) space tethers, drill strings, wire rope, rotated and transported textile yarn, nanotube junctions) and in biology (supercoiled DNA, deformations under screened electrostatic interactions, cholesterol ribbons, plied proteins, collagen fibres).
2. Constrained variational calculus, conjugate point theory, variational inequalities, non-smooth mechanical systems
3. Hamiltonian mechanics, integrability, Melnikov theory
4. Computational (numerical as well as analytical) dynamical systems: normal forms, (homoclinic) bifurcations
5. Numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis, computer software
6. Nonlinear rotordynamics, coupled oscillators, chaotic dynamics
Academic Biography:
First degree (`doctorandus', MSc) in theoretical physics, University of Utrecht (1988)
PhD in mathematics, University of Utrecht (1994)
EU Human Capital and Mobility Fellowship, Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, UCL (1995-1997)
EPSRC Research Fellow, Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, UCL (1997-1999)
Research Officer, Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (October 1998 - January 1999)
Royal Society University Research Fellow (October 1999 - September 2007)
Visiting Scholar, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sydney, Australia (June - July 2003)
UCL Principal Research Fellow (October 2005 - September 2008)
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics, UCL (since October 2006)
Honorary Professor, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China (since June 2007)
Reader in Nonlinear Dynamics, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, UCL (October 2008 - September 2010)
Professor of Nonlinear Dynamics, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, UCL (October 2010 - present)
Alan Champneys (Bristol) (localisation in twisted rods, homoclinic bifurcation and continuation)
Bernard Coleman (Rutgers) (DNA in ionic solution)
Barrie Fraser (Sydney) (whirling and transported rods and textile yarns, asymptotic analysis)
Mike Horton (UCL) (collagen nanofibres and fibrillogenesis)
Alexei Kornyshev (Imperial) (DNA-DNA interaction and supercoiling)
John Maddocks (Lausanne) (variational methods for geometrically constrained rods)
SeĢbastien Neukirch (Paris) (multi-strand plies, DNA supercoiling)
Mark Peletier (Eindhoven) (global energy minimisers, self-contacting rods, Link-Twist-Writhe)
Eugene Starostin (UCL) (geometry and mechanics of strips, plies and packings)
Michael Thompson (UCL) (structural localisation, DNA supercoiling)
Kazuyuki Yagasaki (Hiroshima) (multi-pulse homoclinic orbits, spatial chaos, Melnikov analysis)
CSIRO, Textile & Fibre Technology Division (Geelong) (plied and spun textile fibres, experiments)
See: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucesgvd/index.html
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