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School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Selected Publications (For more see the link, Prof. Rajamohan Vasudevan):
R. Vasudevan and D. Ranlet, “Submerged shock response of a linearly elastic shell of revolution containing internal structure - user’s manual for the ELSHOK code,” Defense Nuclear Agency report DNA-TR-81-184, 1982. (Might be the wrong Vasudevan)
Vasudevan, R, Ramin, S, Subhash, R. Vibration analysis of a multi-layer beam containing magnetorheological fluid. Smart Mater Struct 2009; 19: 015013–015025
R. Manoharan, R. Vasudevan and A.K. Jeevanantham, “Dynamic characterization of a laminated composite magnetorheological fluid sandwich plate”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 23, No. 2, 025022, February 2014
Philipp Eisenbach, Ragunath Vasudevan, Manfred Grohmann, Klaus Bollinger and Stephan Hauser, “Parapluie - Ultra Thin Concrete Shell Made of UHPC By Activating Membrane Effects”, Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Vol. 55 (2014) No. 4 December n. 182, pp. 201-212
Edwin Sudhagar P, Ananda Babu A, Vasudevan R, et al. Vibration analysis of a tapered laminated thick composite plate with ply drop-offs. Arch Appl Mech. 2015;85:969–990.
A. Ananda Babu, P. Edwin Sudhagar, Vasudevan Rajamohan, Dynamic characterization of thickness tapered laminated composite plate, J. Vib. Control, 22 (16) (2015), pp. 3555–3575
Edwin Sudhagar, P., Ananda Babu, A., Vasudevan, R., Jeyaraj, P.: Vibration analysis of a tapered laminated thick composite plate with ply drop-offs. Arch. Appl. Mech. (2015). doi: 10.1007/s00419-015-1004-9
Vemuluri, RB, Vasudevan, R. Dynamic analysis of tapered laminated composite magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) sandwich plates. Smart Mater Struct 2016; 25: 035006
Manoharan, R, Vasudevan, R., Jeevanantham, AK Vibration analysis of a partially treated laminated composite magnetorheological fluid sandwich plate. J Vib Control 2016; 22: 869–895
Arumugam Ananda Babu and Rajamohan Vasudevan, “Dynamic instability analysis of rotating delaminated tapered composite plates subjected to periodic in-plane loading”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 86, No. 12, pp 1965-1986, December 2016
Edwin Sudhagar, P, Ananda Babu, A, Vasudevan, R, et al. Structural optimization of rotating tapered laminated thick composite plates with ply drop-offs. Int J Mech Mater Des 2017; 13: 85–124.
Arumugam Ananda Babu and Rajamohan Vasudevan, “Vibration analysis of rotating delaminated non-uniform composite plates”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 60, pp 172-182, January 2017
Paul A. Praveen, Vasudevan Rajamohan and Arun Tom Mathew, “Recent developments in investigation on buckling and post bucking responses of laminated composite shells”, Polymer Composites, Vol. 39, No. 12, December 2018
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