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Mechanics and Materials
École Nationale Superiéure de Techniques Avancées (ENSTA) de Bretagne, Brest, France
Research Interests (from https://www.thinkable.org/users/mostapha-tarfaoui):
Naval and Offshore structures - composite materials - mechanical behaviour - static and dynamic response - finite element analysis - residual strength - damage modelling - fracture behaviour - interlaminar fracture toughness - correlation of structure & properties, computer modelling and data bases - Renewable Marine Energies.
Autobiography (from https://www.intechopen.com/profiles/16937/mostapha-tarfaoui ):
My research activities articulate around the development of experimental, theoretical and numerical approaches for a better description of the elastic behaviour of damaged composite material under dynamic loading in terms of dynamic response and damage kinetic. The hot line of this work is the comprehension of the appearance and the evolution of damage. This comprehension aims to better describing, simulating and optimizing the macroscopic behaviour of composite materials by multi scales approaches and by integrating certain aspects of their microstructure. For this objective, my research tasks are undertaken by developing two complementary approaches jointly: the experimental investigation and multi scales modelling of the mechanical behaviour. These two approaches were enriched by a third orientation. This one relates to the numerical developments of algorithms aiming at implementing the behaviour laws in structures computer codes by using finite elements method. These laws are developed for the modelling of the dynamic response, the produced damage and residual strength and/or are identified directly through experimental and numerical procedures.
Selected Publications:
P. Gning, M. Tarfaoui, F. Collombet, L. Riou and P. Davies , Damage development in thick composite tubes under impact loading and influence on implosion pressure: Experimental observations, Compos. B, Eng. 36 (4) (2005) 306–318.
M. Tarfaoui, P.B. Gning, P. Davies and F. Collombet, “Scale and size effects on dynamic response and damage of glass/epoxy tubular structures”, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp 547-558, March 2007
Mostapha Tarfaoui, Papa Birame Gning and Francis Collombet, “Damage modeling of impacted tubular structures by using material property degradation approach”, Chapter in unidentified book, 2009, DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-2669-9_24
M. Tarfaoui, S. Choukri and A. Neme, “Dynamic response of symmetric and asymmetric E-glass/epoxy laminates at high strain rates”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 446, pp 73-82, 2010
G. Mohamad, M. Tarfaoui and V. Bertram, “FEA of dynamic behavior of top hat bonded stiffened composite panel”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 446, pp 137-145, 2010
M. Tarfaoui, J.Y. Pradillon an O.R. Shah, “Numerical investigation of a large composite wind turbine [blade] with different spar profiles using finite-element method”, La Houille Blanche, No. 5, pp 29-35, 2015, DOI 10.1051/lhb/20150052
M. Tarfaoui, K. Lafdi, A. El Moumen, Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes based polymer composites, Compos. B Eng., 103 (2016), pp. 113-121
(For more see the link Prof. Mostapha Tarfaoui)
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