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Department of Civil Engineering
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Selected Publications:
Andre Reis, Nuno Lopes and Paulo Vila Real, “Shear-bending interaction in steel plate girders subjected to elevated temperatures”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 104, pp 34-43, July 2016
Carlos Couto, Paulo Vila Real, Nuno Lopes and Bin Zhao, “Local buckling in laterally restrained steel beam-columns in case of fire”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 122, pp 543-556, July 2016
Elio Maia, Carlos Couto, Paulo Vila Real and Nuno Lopes, “Critical temperatures of class 4 cross-sections”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 121, pp 370-382, June 2016
Andre Reis, Nuno Lopes and Paulo Vila Real, “Numerical study of steel plate girders under shear loading at elevated temperatures”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 117, pp 1-12, February 2016,
Carlos Couto, Paulo Vila Real, Nuno Lopes and Bin Zhao, “Effective width method to account for the local buckling of thin plates at elevated temperatures”, Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 84, pp 134-149, November 2014
Lopes, N. and Vila Real, P.M.M, “Class 4 stainless steel I-beams subjected to fire”, (date and publisher not given in the pdf file. Most recent citation is dated 2012)
N. Lopes, P. Vila Real, L. Simões da Silva, J.-M. Franssen, Numerical modelling of thin-walled stainless steel structural elements in case of fire, Fire Technology 46/1 (2010) 91-108.
C. Rebelo, N. Lopes, L. Simões da Silva, D. Nethercot, P.M.M. Vila Real, Statistical evaluation of the lateral–torsional buckling resistance of steel I-beams, part 1: variability of the Eurocode 3 resistance model, J. Constr. Steel Res., 65 (2009), pp. 818–831
P. Vila Real, N. Lopes, L. Simões da Silva, J.-M. Franssen, Lateral-torsional buckling of Stainless steel I-beams in case of fire, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64/11 (2008) 1302-13091309.
P. Vila Real, N. Lopes, L. Silva, J.-M. Franssen, Parametric Analysis of the Lateral-Torsional Buckling Resistance of Steel Beams in Case of Fire, Fire Safety Journal, 42/6-7 (2007) 416-424.
Vila Real PMM, Lopes N, Simoes da Silva L, Franssen J-M. Lateral–torsional buckling of unrestrained steel beams under fire conditions: improvement of EC3 proposal. Comput Struct, in press.
Vila Real, P.M.M., Cazeli, R., Simões DA Silva, L., Santiago, A., Piloto, P. (2004), The effect of residual stresses in the lateral-torsional buckling of steel I-beams at elevated temperature, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 60, pp. 783-793.
N. Lopes, L. Simoes da Silva, P.M.M. Vila Real and P. Piloto, “New proposals for the design of steel beam-columns in case of fire, including a new approach
for the lateral–torsional buckling”, Computers and Structures, Vol. 82, pp 1463-1472, 2004
Vila Real PMM, Lopes N, Simoes da Silva L, Piloto P, Franssen J-M. Towards a consistent safety format of steel beam-columns: application of the new interaction formulae for ambient temperature to elevated temperatures. Steel Compos Struct 2003;3(6):383–401.
P.M.M. Vila Real, P.A.G. Piloto and J.-M. Franssen, “A new proposal of a simple model for the lateral-torsional buckling of unrestrained steel I- beams in case of fire: experimental and numerical validation”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 59, pp 179-199, 2003
VilaReal PMM, Franssen J-M. Numerical modelling of lateral buckling of steel I beams under fire conditions—comparison with Eurocode 3. J Fire Prot Eng, USA 2001;11(2):112–28.
Vila Real PMM, Franssen J-M. Lateral buckling of steel I beams under fire conditions—comparison between the Eurocode 3 and the SAFIR code. Internal report No. 99/02, Institute of Civil Engineering—Service Ponts et Charpents—of the University of Liege; 1999.
Vila Real PMM, Franssen J-M. Lateral buckling of steel I beams at room temperature-Comparison
between the EUROCODE 3 and the SAFIR code considering or not the residual stresses. Internal
report No. 99/01, University of Liege; 1999.
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