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Bending of Single-Walled NanoTube (SWNT) with kink formation

From the same paper as the previous 4 images.
Figure 9. (a) Kink structure formed in an SWNT with diameters of 1.2 nm under bending. The gap between the tip of the kink and the upper wall is about 0.4 nm; (b) Atomic structure around the kink reproduced by computer simulations. The shaded circles beneath the tube image express the local strain energy at the various atoms, measured relative to a relaxed atom in an infinite graphene sheet. The strain energy scale ranges from 0 to 1.2 eV/atom, from left to right; (c) Total strain energy (in dimensionless units) of an SWNT of diameter ∼1.2 nm as a function of the bending angle up to 120◦. The dip at ∼30◦ in the curve is associated with the kink formation. Reprinted from Reference [64]:
64. Iijima, S.; Brabec, C.; Maiti, A.; Bernholc, J. Structural flexibility of carbon nanotubes. J. Chem. Phys. 1996, 104, 2089–2092.

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