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Critical torque buckling strain of Single-Walled NanoTubes (SWNT) as a function of the chiral angle

From the same paper as the previous 9 images.
Figure 17. Critical buckling shear strains as a function of tube chirality. Some additional data for SWNTs with slightly larger or smaller diameters are also presented for reference. Reprinted from Reference [186]:
186. Chang, T. Torsional behavior of chiral single-walled carbon nanotubes is loading direction dependent. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90, 201910.

Figure 17 summarizes a systematic computation [186] of the critical buckling strains in both twisting (γcr) and untwisting (γcl) directions as a function of tube chiral angle; a loading-direction-dependent torsional response of chiral tubes is clearly observed. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the maximum difference between γcr and γcl is up to 85%. This clear difference in the mechanical response suggests particular caution in the use of carbon nanotubes as torsional components (e.g., oscillators and springs) of nanomechanical devices [117,120,189,190].

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