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Obituary in the New York Times, August 5, 2008:
KEMPNER--Joseph, 85, formerly of Brooklyn, died July 24th, 2008 in Marlboro, NJ. Beloved husband of Carol Brown, father of Robert (Tere), Marien K. Barker (Rick), grandfather of Robert, Jason and John, Samantha and Jamie Barker, great-grandfather of Alex, Gabrielle and Kailyn. World renowned professor of aerospace and applied mechanical engineering before his retirement from Polytechnic University. Will be missed.
Selected Publications:
Bruno A. Boley, Joseph Kempner and J. Mayers (Polytechnic Inst. of Brooklyn), “A numerical approach to the instability problem of monocoque cylinders”, NACA Technical note, April 1951,
proxy Url : http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA382028
Joseph Kempner (Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn), “Creep bending and buckling of nonlinearly viscoelastic columns”, NACA TN 3137, January 1954
Kempner, J., "Post Buckling Behavior of Axially Compressed Circular Cylindrical Shells," J. Aero, Sci., 21, No. 5, (1954), 239.
Nicholas J. Hoff, Joseph Kempner and Frederick V. Pohle 1954 Line Load Applied Along Generators of Thin-Walled Circular Cylindrical Shells of Finite Length, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1, 411, January 1954.
J. Kempner (Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn), “Remarks on Donnell’s Equations”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1955, PP. 117-118
Kempner, J., "Recent Results in the Theory of Large Deflections of Cylindrical Shells," Ninth Congress of Intern. Mecan. Appl., University of Bruxelles, 6, (1957), 247.
F. Romano and J. Kempner. Stress and displacement analysis of simply supported noncircular cylindrical shells under lateral pressure. PIBAL Report No. 415, 1958.
Joseph Kempner, “Unified thin-shell theory”, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, NY, March 1960,
DTIC Accession Number : AD0689144
Joseph Kempner, Some results on buckling and postbuckling of cylindrical shells”, in Collected Papers on Instability of Shell Structures, NASA TN DF-1510, December 1962, pp. 173-186
F. Romano and J. Kempner. Stress in short noncircular cylindrical shells under lateral pressure. Journal of Appl. Mech., 12:69–77, 1962.
Joseph Kempner (Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York, USA), “Investigation of plates and shells under external loading and elevated temperatures”, Final Report, PIBAL Report No. 664, April 1963
DTIC Accession Number: AD0407886, Handle / proxy Url : http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/AD407886
Kempner, J. and Chen, Y.N., “Large deflections of an axially compressed oval cylindrical shell”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Applied Mechanics, Munich, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1964, pp. 299-306
J. Kempner and Y. N. Chen. Buckling and postbuckling of an axially compressed oval cylindrical shell. In D. Muster-Univ. Houston, editor, Proceedings – Symposium On theory of shells to honor Lloyd Hamilton Donnell, pages 141–175, Houston, 1967. McCutchaw Publishing Corporation.
Kempner, J. and Chen, Y.N., “Buckling and postbuckling of an axially compressed oval cylindrical shell”, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, PIBAL Report No. 917, April 1966, presented at Seventh Anniversary Symposium on Shells to honor Lloyd H. Donnell, DTIC Accession Number: AD0635481
J. Kempner and Y. N. Chen. Postbuckling of an axially compressed oval cylindrical shell. In M. Hetényi and W.G. Vincenti, editors, Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Applied Mechanics, pages 246–256, Stanford, CA, 1968. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 1969.
Y. N. Chen, G. Feinstein, and J. Kempner. Buckling of clamped oval cylindrical shells under axial compresion. AIAA Journal, 9(9):1733–1738, 1971.
G. Feinstein, B. Erickson and J. Kempner (Brooklyn Polytech), “Stability of oval cylindrical shells: Experimental investigation of initial and ultimate buckling loads of fixed-end, oval cylindrical shells under axial compression”, Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 11, No. 11, 1971, pp. 514-520, doi: 10.1007/BF02327691
J. Kempner, Y.N. Chen, Buckling and Initial Post-buckling of Oval Cylindrical Shells under Combined Axial Compression and Bending, Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1974, pp. 171–191.
Chen YN, Kempner J. Buckling of oval cylindrical shells under compression and asymmetric bending. AIAA J 1976;14:1235–40.
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