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Structural Mechanics
Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory
Selected Publications:
Almroth, B; Brogan, F. and Stanley, G., “User’s Manual for STAGS,” NASA CR-165670, 1978.
Almroth, B. O., Brogan, F. A., and Stanley, G. M., "Structural Analysis of General Shells, Vol. II: User Instructions for STAGSC," Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Inc., Palo Alto, Calif., Rept. LMSC-D633873, Jan. 1979.
Almroth, B. O., Brogan, F. A., and Stanley, G. M.: Structural Analysis of General Shells, Vol. II: User Instructions for the STAGS(C-1) Computer Code. NASA CR-165671, 1981.
Almroth, B. O., F. A. Brogan and G. M. Stanley. Structural Analysis of General Shells, Volume I.User Instructions for STAGSC-1. Palo Alto, California: Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory, LSMC-D633873, December 1982.
Almroth, B. O., Brogan, F. A., and Stanley, G. M., “ Structural Analysis of General Shells,” Report LMSC D633873, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Palo Alto, California, Vol. 2, Users Instructions for the STAGSC-1, 1983.
Stanley GM (1985) Continuum-based shell elements. PhD thesis, Stanford University
K. C. Park, G. M. Stanley and D. L. Flaggs (Applied Mechanics Laboratory, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA 94304, U.S.A.), “A uniformly reduced, four-noded C0-shell element with consistent rank corrections”, Computers & Structures, Vol. 20, Nos. 1-3, 1985, pp. 129-139,
ABSTRACT: An analysis of four-noded C0-shell elements is presented that assesses their ability to represent the membrane-bending coupling phenomena in the governing shell equations by facet approximations. It is shown that four-noded shell elements can capture the predominant coupling phenomena consistent with the classical assumptions invoked in the first-order linear shell theories. Encouraged by this ability, a new four-noded C0-shell element is presented that employs only one-point spatial integration rule. The inevitable spurious mechanisms resulting from reduced integration are compensated for by a systematic rank-correction technique that was previously developed for a plate-bending element. The element is applied to classical cylindrical buckling problems with encouraging results.
Park, K. C. and Stanley, G. M., “A Curved C0 Shell Element Based on Assumed Natural-Coordinate Strains,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 108, 1986, pp. 278-290.
G.M. Stanley, T.J.R. Hughes, Continuum-based resultant shell elements, in: T.J.R. Hughes, E. Hinton (Eds.), Finite Element Methods for Plate and Shell Structures 1––Element Technology, Pineridge Press, Swansea, 1986.
Stanley, G. M., and Nour-Omid, S.: The Computational Structural Mechanics Testbed Generic Structural-- Element Processor Manual. NASA CR-181728, 1989.
Stanley, G. M., The Computational Structural Mechanics Testbed Structural Element Processor ES1: Basic SRI and ANS Shell Elements, NASA CR-4357, 1990.
Stanley, G. M., Hurlbut, B., Levit, I., Stehlin, B., Loden, W., and Swenson, L., COMET-AR Adaptive Refinement Manual, LMSC Report #F318482, 1991.
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