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1969 – 1975 University of Denver
1979 – 1991 NASA Langley Research Center
Brief Biography:
Gaylen A. Thurston earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering at Iowa State (1950), an M.S. in Engineering at Ohio State (1951), and a Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics at Cornell (1956). He worked in the aerospace industry (1956-1969), taught engineering mechanics at the University of Denver (1969-1975) and worked at the NASA Langley Research Center (1979-1991). He performed mathematical and numerical analyses for the design of thin shells, and he incorporated these into computer codes used in the aerospace industry.
Selected Publications:
Thurston, G. A., 1961. A Numerical solution of the nonlinear equations for axisymmetric bending of shallow spherical shells. J. Appl. Mech. 28:557-562.
Thurston, G. A., 1962. Comparison of experimental and theoretical buckling of pressures. NASA TN D1510, Collected Papers on Stability of Shell Structures. Pp. 515-521.
Thurston, G. A., 1964. Asymmetrical buckling of spherical caps under uniform pressure. AIAA J. 2:1832-1833.
Thurston, G. A., Penning, F. A., 1966. Effect of axisymmetric imperfections on the buckling of spherical caps under uniform pressure. AIAA J. 4:319-327. Also AFOSR Report 64-1627, Aug. 1964.
G. A. Thurston, "Effect of boundary conditions on the buckling of conical shells under hydrostatic pressure", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the ASME, 32(1), 1965, 208 - 209.
Thurston, G. A., “Newton’s Method Applied to Problems in Nonlinear Mechanics”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 32, 1965, pp. 383-388.
Thurston, G.A., "On the Stability of Filament Wound Cylinders Under Axial Compression," Presented at 6th Annual Symposium, Filament Structures Technology, Albuquerque, New Mexico (1965).
Penning, F. A., Thurston, G. A., 1965. The stability of shallow spherical shells under concentrated load. NASA CR-265, Washington, D. C.
G. A. Thurston and A. A. Holston, Jr., “Buckling of cylindrical shell end closures by internal pressure”, NASA Report 540, 1966, 25 pages.
Thurston, E. A. and Freeland, M.A. : Buckling of Imperfect Cylinders under Axial Compression, NASA CR- 541, July 1966.
Thurston, G. A., 1969. Continuation of Newton’s method through bifurcation points. J. Appl. Mech. 36:425-430.
Thurston, G. A., 1971. A new method for computing axisymmetric buckling of spherical caps. J. Appl. Mech. 38:179-184.
Thurston, G. A.; Brogan, F. A.; and Stehlin, P.: Postbuckling Analysis Using a General-Purpose Code. AIAA J., vol. 24, no. 6, June 1986, pp. 1013–1020.
Gaylen A. Thurston, “A parallel solution for the symmetric eigenproblem”, NASA Technical Memorandum 89082, 1987
Thurston, Gaylen A., Reissner, John E., Stein, Peter A. and Knight, Norman F., Jr. (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia), “Error analysis and correction of discrete solutions from finite-element codes”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 26, pp 446-453, April 1988
C.C. Rankin and F.A. Brogan, Application of the Thurston bifurcation solution strategy to problems with modal interaction, Proc. AIAA (April 1988) No. 88-2286.
Thurston, G. A., "Application of Newton's Method to Postbuckling of Rings Under Pressure Loadings," NASA TP 2941, 1989.
Gaylen A. Thurston (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia), “Modal interaction in postbuckled plates: theory”, NASA Technical Paper 2943, 1989
Gaylen A. Thurston, “Numerical integration of asymptotic solutions of ordinary differential equations”,
http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS105798 , NASA Technical Memorandum 100650, 1989
Thurston, Gaylen A. and Sistia, Rajaram (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia), “Elimination of Gibbs' phenomena from error analysis of finite element results”, AIAA Paper 90-0932, AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Meeting, April 2-4, 1990
Sistia, Rajaram and Thurston, Gaylen A. (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia), “An improved error analysis of finite element solutions for postbuckled plates”, AIAA Paper 91-1003, AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Meeting, April 8-10, 1991
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