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From: Guilherme V. Rodrigues (1), Larissa M. Fonseca (1), Marcelo A. Savi (1) and Alberto Paiva (2)
(1) Center for Nonlinear Mechanics, COPPE – Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 21.941.972 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
(2) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Volta Redonda School of Engineering, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 27.255.250 Volta Redonda, RJ, Brazil
“Nonlinear dynamics of an adaptive origami-stent system”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 133, pp 303-318, November 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2017.08.050
ABSTRACT: Origami is an ancient art of the paper folding that has been the source of inspiration in many engineering designs due to its intrinsic ability of changing shape and volume. Self-expandable devices have been created based on origami concept together with smart materials. Shape memory alloys belong to this class of materials and provide high forces and large displacements by varying their temperature. This work deals with the nonlinear dynamics of an origami-stent, a cylindrical shaped origami structure, which has the capacity of changing its radius. The actuation is provided by antagonistic torsional shape memory alloy wires placed in the origami creases. The mathematical model assumes a polynomial constitutive model to describe the shape memory alloy thermomechanical behavior. Geometric assumptions establish a one-degree of freedom model with constitutive and geometric nonlinearities. Numerical simulations are carried out considering different thermomechanical loadings that represent operational conditions. The system presents complex responses including chaos.
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