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Axial compression of a 3D auxetic lattice structure

Figure 4. Stress–strain curve of a sample consisting of a cubic chiral unit cell with a low amplitude (A = 0.6 mm, l = 5.0 mm).


Franziska Warmuth, Fuad Osmanlic, Lucas Adler, Matthias A. Lodes and Carolin Koerner, “Fabrication and characterization of a fully auxetic 3D lattice structure via selective electron beam melting”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 26, No. 2, 025013, February 2017

ABSTRACT: A three-dimensional fully auxetic cellular structure with negative Poisson's ratio is presented. Samples are fabricated from Ti6Al4V powder via selective electron beam melting. The influence of the strut thickness and the amplitude of the strut on the mechanical properties and the deformation behaviour of cellular structures is studied.

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