Fig. 5. Comparisons of the predicted yarn geometry with X-ray CT scans for 6 layer arbitrary shift stack.
The offsets used in the model were determined using measurements from X-ray CT scans of an infused sample, manufactured through RTM. This ensured that realistic offsets were applied as well as allowing for validation of the final predicted geometry. An initially loose geometry was modelled of each layer within the shifted configuration, tension was then applied to each yarn simulating the weaving process. This was then followed by compaction of the stack between two parallel plates to a thickness corresponding to 55% Vf.
A comparison of the final predicted geometry to X-ray CT scans is illustrated in Fig. 5. The method appears to generate accurate predictions for both yarn path and yarn cross sectional shape. Both the interactions of the yarns within a layer and the effects of multiple layer stacking are captured, showing good agreement with the X-ray CT results.
From the same paper as the previous 2 images.
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