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Buckling of an optimized externally pressurized ring-stiffened composite cylindrical shell

Fig. 42 from the 1996 imperfections paper. This slide shows buckling mode shapes predicted by BOSOR4 and buckling load factors predicted by PANDA2, BOSOR4, and STAGS for the optimized, perfect, 70-inch-long hydrostatically compressed composite cylindrical shell.

Notice from the buckling load factor labels on the vertical axis that the various types of buckling all occur over a narrow range of load factors.

For n = 15 circumferential waves PANDA2's prediction of the buckling load factor is significantly lower than those from BOSOR4 and STAGS because of the effect of transverse shear deformation (tsd), included in the PANDA2 model but not in the BOSOR4 or STAGS models.

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